Part 0

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It was because of the events that had happened and because of the decisions that I had made that had led me to this. To the biggest event of my life. The one thing I was afraid of. It was the thing that could possibly tare me away from all my loved ones and leave me broken and scarred for life or me visiting the devil because we all know I deserve to go to hell for all the bad I've done.

 But wait, if I'm suppose to tell you my story I think it would be wise to start from the beginning , right? Well I'm gonna start from the beginning anyway. So let's take a trip back in time for the ride of your life because what I'm about to tell you could change lives for the better or worse and you better believe it would cause massive destruction to many people who don't deserve it, people who deserve their happy endings but try as we might it could possibly never happen, right?

Okay, I've gotten off topic. Now let's get back to the story I was about to tell even if you don't want to hear it because you can leave right now for both are sakes. So getting back to the story " It all started 3 months into my senior year of high school . . . "

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