Pilot -Part 02-

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-"what!! Noo! That's so unfair. Please mom, don't do this, i am begging you don't do this to me i have to go to- it's important, Cami, please!"
-"i'm sorry Hope but you're mom is right, you are grounded for a week, and if you try to get away, it will be 2 weeks and three and four... And you know how that goes on"Said Cami.
-"you are not allowed to leave the compound, i will put vampires and werewolfs to guard you, and if you even think of using magic you will be stuck here for a long time" mom threatened "god i wish i could-" she suddenly trailed off looking at a drawer, before i could open my mouth and say anything she ran, opened the drawer and came back and put handcuffs on my hand-- Hold it right there, WHATTTTTTT!!!!! Handcuffs for real??!!!!!

-"you are not allowed to leave the compound, i will put vampires and werewolfs to guard you, and if you even think of using magic you will be stuck here for a long time" mom threatened "god i wish i could-" she suddenly trailed off looking at a dr...

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She took protective mother look to a whole new level. Wow!! Mother of the year.
-"you can't be serious, Handcuffs!!?? What's next, the Seratura?"
-"Haha, that place is already taken by Tristan but i'm sure he won't mind a little company at the bottom of the ocean if you don't stop doing this. These are anti magic handcuffs, they were a bit modified but they have the same effect, meaning as long as you are wearing them, bye bye magic, and don't think of removing them cause it won't work"
-"i get out of the house ONE time and it's like i became your worst enemy!, why are you doing this to me?!!"
-"because we care for you, and you know it's for your best, and because this is the 5TH time you do this to us, i hope you learn a lesson." Cami answered.
Aaaaarght!! Perfect! Just perfect!!
I run to my room, closed the door, and spelled the door so no one can come in
-"Vis porta" oh wait, i don't have magic anymore, idiot! . I fell next to the door, where the harsh truth hit me: i am not gonna see Tyler. I suddenly burst into tears, and bring my knees to my chest and lay my head on top of them.
I am strong. I am a one of a kind creature. I have everything anyone could ever hope for. It is all correct. So why am i crying?! Well the only time where i'm not the all mighty and powerful Mikaelson is with him. Tyler is human, and he doesn't know the first thing about my world, and he loves me, for who I am. I guess the fact that with him, i can feel normal is what made him my weak spot. I hardly ever cry, but i miss him, and when it comes to Ty, i'm just a normal teenager, who haven't saw her boyfriend for 4 months, and who won't be able to see him because of her own stupidity. I kept sobbing, quietly in my room till i remembered how i met him.
Tyler lives in Mystic falls, we met a couple of years ago when i joined the Salvatore Boarding School, and we fell in love. He made me feel.. Precious, and still does. I know my dad always sees me as his princess, but it's different with Ty. I felt truly alive, like the whole world wasn't looking for me, like my own grandmother didn't try to kill me the day i was born, like my grand-aunt didn't try to take me from my family to exploit my magic, like i didn't live 5 years away from my father and didn't know him till i was seven years old, and like.. I wasn't a living bomb that can explode at any second, cause till now, the limit of my power in unknown. He made me become who i always wanted to be. His Hope. We managed to stay together and meet in secrecy in Mystic Falls, cause dating him, a human, is breaking the rules of the school, but considering my advanced level of witchcraft, and the fact that i'm a tribrid, i graduated early from the school, and started learning more of my supernatural side at home, this led to me leaving, which got Ty and I to promise to visit each other once in a while, and to always love the other, and so we have, but no one knows about him except for Claire, and now that he is here, i can't see him because i'm grounded. I kept sinking into my thought until dawn, after that, i fell asleep, heartbroken.
I woke up as the rays of sunshine snuck through my brick curtains, and light up my room, which i admit, is kind of dark, the walls are brick with some black frames on them, and the floor is made of grey marble, and my bed has a black and red frame, it kinda has a royal style, and on top of it i have black sheets, and too many black and grey pillows. I also have a black chandelier,a red armchair with the heart shape pillow, and a black night stand, where lies a bouquet of white roses, my favourite flowers.{in media}
After finally waking up, i felt that getting up was not necessary, seeing the fact that i'm grounded, but i do have a little hope.
Ironic, i know.
Well after all, dad is coming back today from Mystic Falls, maybe he can help me to deal with mom and Cami. I hope he is alright.
i am passing next to my father's room, very slowly. I have to be very.. Very quiet! If dad finds out i skipped witchcraft leçon today he would be pissed! But oh well, it is a life or dead situation, cause lets face it: Claire would kill me 35680499 times if i skip shopping with her for her first date with her 95th girlfriend, and of corse, it's always "the one" until after a month she says"oh well, she isn't my type" like really Claire?! Anyway, i have to be a good best friend and support her, which includes: 911 fashion emergency. Sometimes i wonder just WHERE do all her clothes go, or just HOW do they fit in her closet. A true mystery.
Anyway, mission impossible activated. An original hybrid, a vampire and a hybrid can't hear me passing, i wish i could just make myself invisible- oh wait, i can! Yay me!!
-"invisique" i whispered
Well now i just have to leave, better hurry before i'm late-
-"this is dangerous klaus." I heard cami say. What are they talking about?
-"don't worry love, i've survived worst through my miserable immortal life, and fear nothing, after all, i am immortal." Dad answered.
So, i could just leave now, but of corse, i'm too damn stubborn and curious, i'm gonna stay for a while and see what is happening.
-"just how many times have we heard this sentence? And how many times have we found a way or a weapon to kill, torture you or take your power away?"mom said.
-"and no damages have been held, so love worrying is not quite a necessite at the moment." Dad replied.
Really? No damages?! He is so in denial. And now you will see an exclusive of Cami and Hayley's mega bomb, in three, two, one-
-"Really?!" Cami said with sarcasm in her voice. Sometimes i wonder if she is my real mother.
"How about the time you were linked to the Guerrera's wolf pack by that psychotic bitch called Genevieve and became weaker every full moon?"
-"but i-"
-"Or how about the time that Dahlia almost kill you and take Hope forever?" Mom interrupted him.
-"or how about when there was a prophecy saying that you and your siblings will all die which turned up to be true when your lunatic ex tried to kill you all with white oak bullets? In addition to the creation of the upgraded original aka Lucien, who by the way killed me and Finn" cami continued.
-"and lets not forget the fact that Davina broke your sire line which drew many of your old enemies, leading them to be by Marcel's side when he bit Elijah and Kol, stabbed you, poisoned Freya, leading me to live on the run searching for a cure with all of your family in coffins while you were buried for 5 years!" Mom screamed.
I love my moms when they are badasses.
-"Alright i get it!" Dad said.
-"the list goes on and on Nick you know, we've lived in this land for a thousand years of pain and running and being in danger, and now you tell us that you are basically going to Mystic Falls to meet a witch who wants the life of my niece?! Are you out of your bloody mind?!!" Aunt Rebekah shouted while entering to the room.
This is getting better and bette- wait a second, WHAT WITCH?!!! The hell are they talking about??!!!
-"first of all, how do you know?" Dad began.
-"I told her, just in case Cami and i failed convincing you."
Just how many people know about this behind my back?
-"And why do you care Hayley?! After all you are one the threats which jeopardise me being with my daughter, since you've tried to put me in a coffin and leave me to rot in the middle of the ocean, and you tried to take my child away several times, and-"
-"i get it!" Mom interrupts him"But still i don't want you to die, neither does anyone else in this room, and that's for different reasons, mine is that i don't want my daughter to be an orphan, nor that the man i love loses another brother"
-"i don't want to lose the love of my life." Cami said while grabbing my father's hand.
-"i don't want to lose another brother either." Aunti Bex added with sorrow in her voice.
So, my father is apparently going on a suicide mission because of me, and since my family doesn't seem to be having much of luck with convincing him otherwise.... I pull out my phone from my purse, and text Claire:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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