Author's Note

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(Hello! This is future Trin from Oct. 1, 2019)- As many of you have seen, this is a story I wrote a long time ago, and I am currently revising it and will add new chapters later on. I have been leaving most chapters alone beside the grammar, however, once the story is complete, I will revise the older chapters (1-5, or so) to fit with the rest of it! Thank you for reading!


(Old AN from 2017-2018)- I'm so sorry I took forever to update! I had to delete Wattpad because of storage problems on my phone and then forgot about it. I'm suddenly not super busy, thankfully, for the next 2 weeks so I'm going to try my best to update some of my stories. I apologize for the long wait, I'm now not just a junior in high school but ALSO a freshman at a community college because of a dual-enrollment program between the two schools. I'm also in the National Honors Society and my school's Robotics team and that's gotten me pretty busy. I know I'm making excuses..... and I apologize SO MUCH for that... I shouldn't make you guys wait like an entire year just for some silly chapter... Anyways, I hope you accept my apology, again, I'm sorry, and I hope your day was or will be good.

I'll be posting the next chapter sometime today or tomorrow, but I want to go back and edit the last few chapters since I was less experienced at writing when I made this. I looked back and could not believe you guys actually like this because, in my opinion, it's so cringy and bad. Anyways, I'll see ya'll in the next chapter after I'm done editing!!!


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