Chapter 5

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Ellis's POV~

When we all climbed into the boat, I looked around and the boat looked like a cruise ship because there was a pool and everything! The only thing wrong and made it less of a cruise ship was that there were only three bedrooms. So, we started voting who gets to room with who. "I'll stay with Nick," I say and no one objected. I guess no one else wanted to be in a room with Nick... Rochelle roomed with Zoey, and Coach, Louis, and Francis stayed in one. 

Nick and I took the stuff we had decided to bring and picked a room. When I opened the door, a pinkish hue formed in my cheeks. It was a honeymoon suite... Nick went in without any hesitation. As I closed the door behind me, I put my stuff down near it. Then I noticed there was only one bed.

I lied down because of my back hurting. It's been hurting a lot now that I thought of it. I looked over and saw Nick smiling before he walked over to the door and locking it. "Why ya lockin' the door?" I asked and walks over to me. "I want to snuggle with you. If someone were to see, well.. that would probably be bad." I nod and he sits down next to me on the bed, putting his arms around me. I lay my head on his chest and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling myself closer to him.

Bending his head down, Nick kisses my forehead and smirks before taking off my hat. "Hey! I would like to have my hat on!" I say and he laughs. Damn, why does his laugh have to be so cute?  "Well, I don't. It's uncomfortable to snuggle you with it's on."

I let his set the hat aside and snuggled even closer to him, feeling rather cold. Soon after, someone comes over to the room and knocks on the door. Sighing, I get off him and reach over to grab my hat. I walked over to the door and unlock it before opening it. It was Louis. "Hey, Ellis. I just wanted to tell you guys that we're here." My eyes widen a bit, Nick and I snuggled longer than I thought! "Thanks, Louis!" I say smiling and he leaves.

"We're here," I say looking over at Nick and he gets up, walking to his stuff. He grabs a few things such as his M-16, a health pack, a pipe bomb, and some Advil pills. I go over to my stuff and grab myself some stuff. My AK-47, an adrenaline shot, boomer bile, and my own health pack. We walked out of the room and went over to the others that were clearly ready for whatever lies in their path.

"Let's go!" Francis yells and we get off the boat. Some of the zombies that we already near the dock started running at them. "Here they come!" Nick yells at the group. The largest horde seemed to come from out of nowhere and after what seemed like a fucking eternity, all seven of us finished off the zombies. Then I hear a roaring growl that only meant one thing. 

A tank came out of nowhere much like the horde of zombies and throws a few boulder size rocks at us. Zoey started shooting at it and the tank threw one of his rocks, aiming at her. She ran past me before it could hit her and the tank came running after me! Like, what the fuck!? Thanks a lot, Zoey! But the strangest part was that it felt like I've already done this before...

Getting zoned out, the tank hits me and I fly back a few yards. "Ellis!" Nick yells getting angry and starts shooting the tank as it pounds me into the ground with its fist. Soon, Nick kills the tank and I try to get up, but when I tried, I felt really dizzy. "Ellis! Shit.. come on please, don't you dare die on me!" The pain could obviously be heard when Nick said this and picks me up bridal style. Then I blacked out.

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