When out of the blue Yun Ji Hoo popped up a question that hadn't cross his mind or so he just forgotten about it

So have you had already thought about what your giving to Jan Di as a wedding present. Ji Hoo asked
It took a while for Jun Pyo to reply on what Ji Hoo is inquiring him about but before he could answer him Yi Jeong speaks it seems he like he hasn't well it figures looked at his face blank like a blank board Woo Bin injected while laughing

So what if i hadn't its not big deal its not liked i haven't thinking about it its just that i don't know what to give her as a present he said defensively towards his friends and besides you know her its not like she's liked those women out there that you could just give a set of jewelry as a wedding gift and your good its more hader than you thought you know what i'm sayin right you know her as well as me right i know you get what i mean

Yeah we know knowing Jan Di she doesn't liked extravagant things liked jewelries or any material things for that matter she's not one of those women that you could easily get empress with those such things which is the reason why you've fall in loved with her for she's one of a kind Yi Jeong said

See i know you get what i mean besides we are on the same path about that Yi Jeong me with Jan Di and you with Gail thats one of the reason why were friends for it turns out that we had a same taste in women Jun Pyo said teasingly on purpose towards his friend were everyone laugh speaking of Gail how are you two guys been doing you OK
Woo Bin inquired with an obvious mischievous laughter under his words in question Yi Jeong blushed creaping through his handsome face liked a baby through the question made Woo Bin and the rest laughter broke in after a moment when everyone has calm and composed themselves

Yi Jeong spoke breaking the thin crest of silence through the air saying Me and Gail are doing fine were taking things slow as we agreed upon it like what you said Jun Jan Di her were like not such an ordinary kind of girls there the type that for them that has become too ordinary kind of person turns out in becoming an extraordinary kind of women that can't be take on fast phase they are the ones that needs to be cherished and nurtured

Exactly that the reason why i'm having a hard time to think out what to give her as my wedding gift Jun Pyo counterdly said in a deep sigh

Then why don't you just give her something simple yet reflected on what kind of person she is something that from you that your sure she'll appreciate its not liked shed care from material gesture you'll give her its already a given fact of you you know so why don't you give her something personal that comes and represent from you
Ji Hoo suggested

While on his home an idea came on his mind and his its the perfect wedding gift he can give to Jan Di thankfully he meet up his bodiless the best of friends anyone could ask for them he wouldnt be cracking his head out for ideas of what to give her coz i only nothing but the best for her for my Laundry my Jan Di so as soon as i got out the car i summoned chief Jung to see me in my room his like a second father to me for his one of the most loyal person i know sure can trust who work for our family for a long time so his the best person that can help me make this plan of mine work so when he entered my room here goes the plan

(Flashback) two Covo
Annyeonghaseyo Hello Chief Jung he greeted him as he sees him entering his room
Hello sir you wanted to see me he reply
Oh Chief yes i do Jun Pyo says but please take a seat first then he seats to the chair next to him

Then Chief Jung speaks first sir what is it may i do that you need me for he says....

Jun Pyo . We'll chief its about my wedding present for Jan Di for our wedding and i'm thinking of giving her a boutique of clothing and shoe line of her own specially shoes for i know how much she loves them even if he didn't say so still i know she's still a girl after all even if it doesn't seem on her they both chuckled to the thought and also add it with coffee shop on it he in formed

OK sir noted actually i think its a very good idea Chief Jung said You think so Jun Pyo ask doughtfuly to him with his own idea
Yes sir of course why you not sure about it if miss Geum Jan Di would be happy to know about it
Well we all new her she doesn't liked the idea of anyone giving her such as material things liked this hell who knowns she might killed me for it for she wants to have things without giving it to her easily she always want to have the things she wants on her own way but i just want to give her the best of everything she deserves liked this one for one time i saw her sketches of shoes and some clothes while were having a food taste for the menu of the weddings food its in a note book that she dropped from her bag i picked it up and saw her drawings there good they really are she saw me holding then i asked her about it she just said its nothing just a pastime thing that she'd do over her boring time i'd had told her then she should have take fashion design or architecture or arts instead of medicine but she'd just told that can't do first for no one would ever imagine an old fashion liked her would be an fashion designer nor being an architect its to much math and her brain would be cracking like a crazy nut that she already had so much enough in her medicine course and for arts she just simply says that yes she do loved it but just a hobby for she doesn't feel the same urged of calling liked what she feels in taking her medical course even it also draining her hole brain coz of hardness of her studies for it but she ain't giving it up but well think about it later she may consider it someday if she liked a career change and as for the cafe she loves to eat simply as that and i just want to prepared it for her
I just really hoped your right Chief that she'd liked it and won't kill me another way around

If for that sir if that's your reason doing this all sure she won't i belived sir she will be thankful for miss Geum Jan Di is very caring passionate joyious strong brave and very understanding kind of person she offten visits your parents and the rest of everyone here at the house for the last four years Chief Jung says...

I know Eomma Mom and Appa Dad Nonna and everyone else here told me so could you have it all done in a month that were away for i wanted it to give it to her after were back from the trip

Of course sir i'll have everything ready by then Chief Jung said

Kumawo Thanks just make it reflect like her you already new what i mean right and the name uumm.. Named it Moon star Jun Pyo said

Alright got it i'll leave now sir i'll start everything ready keep you posted about it Chief Jung

Both simles...

Life After (A Boys Over Flowers Fanfiction) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon