"Rhetorical? Wha--"

"One that does not have an answer."

He chuckles at your reply, following you as you walk out of the kitchen.

"Didn't know the QueenKa know this kind of things." He teases.

"I may not be fond with school. But I am high likely an educated person, thank you very much." You say, voice a bit mocking as you walk directly to the front door.

"Where are you going?"

"Another rhetorical que--"

"Can you stop. I'm just asking so I can tell Yoongi hyung. You wouldn't want him to worry do you." You roll your eyes.

"Just in the convenience store."

"Hyungs! Yungji and I will be at the store at the block. Be back later!" You widen your eyes, glaring at him as he immediately grabs your wrist. The shouts from the inside were blocked out when the male closed the door behind you, not even minding your glare as he continues pulling you along with him.

"In case you do not know. I have legs, mister." You sass, trying to pull yourself from his grasp.

Well. TRIED.

He grins at you, looking like a bunny making you roll your eyes. "What? I wanna head out for a while as well. And seeing that you have the same intentions, why not?"

You sigh, "When did you even have the guts to talk to me mostly drag me out? For all I remember, you aren't fond of Taehyung's persistent in being friends with me, am I wrong?" You tease.

He softly laughs, "That was because you aren't agreeing with us. I don't want to force someone into being with us, it just doesn't feel right."

You gave him a look, although he was still pulling you behind him. "What's with the words Jeon. Being soft now eh?"

He scoffs, "Shut up. I mean, being forced even if you don't want it means it isn't mutual. What would you get with something like that? Being friends with someone who doesn't want to be friends with you is pretty much complicated, don't you think?"

You avert your eyes to the route you're walking at, looking at the walls as you answer. "Maybe."

You sense him glancing at you, "How about you, do you want to be forced?"

There was a moment of silence, the footsteps from the both of you only heard in the alley.

"Of course not you dumbhead. Who wants to be forced." You sass, trying to cross your arms over your chest but failed as you realized that he's still holding your wrist.

"You know, I believe I can manage my own. You can let go of me now." You say, rolling your eyes. He simply glances at his hand that holds your wrist, giving you a smirk before facing forward again.

You scoff, "What a jerk." You hear him laugh.

After walking for a couple of minutes, the two of you walks out of the alley, the lights from the town welcoming you.

"Finally, I thought I'm gonna drown in darkness back there." He laughs at your comment.

Walking again, you soon reached the store. The male opens the door first, hand still as he waits for you to enter. After the entrance, he drags you to the food section.

The QueenKa | 𝙱𝚃𝚂 [ 𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 ]Where stories live. Discover now