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Chloe is a 17 year old girl with a bad past. At the age of 3 her parents died in a car crash that she was also involved in. Her dad pushed Chloe and her mom out of the car before it exploded with him in it. Her mom was hit badly by the blast of flames and also died. After that she was put in a Foster home and at the age of 11 she was adopted by a couple called Sean and mya. She would never see mya and when she did mya was always drunk. However she saw Sean everyday. He would invite friends round and make her give them BJ's. Once they left he would hit her with chairs and other thing calling her names. At the age of 13 she was put back into care and had to see a councilor because she was scared of the slightest things. Finally now at the age of 17 she's been adopted by Paul and Stephanie a married couple with 3 girls.
Gia (social worker):"come on Chloe was are going to be late to see them"
Chloe: "coming" then she flinched
Gia:"It's ok we aren't going to hurt you"
Chloe would always flinch when ever she yelled because when she lived with Sean and Mya if she yelled she would get hit. Chloe got in the car with her head bowed down. It was a long drive to Paul and Stephanie's house.
--------------------------------------    Chloes pov
"finally" I mumbled as i got out of the car. As soon as I I turned around she saw the house. It was big posh and nice. Then a girl appeared at the front door.
That must be Stephanie I thought
Gias door than shut snapping me from my thoughts.
"Come on" Gia whispered. I took her hands out of her pockets and walked to the door in front of Gia.
Stephanie was a pretty woman with dark brown hair and quite tall but not like a mans height she was just right. Stephanie seemed nice she wasn't drunk like Mya and she want ugly like mya too. But I still had her concerns would could i not after everything I've been through. I thought until the voice of Stephanie cut her off.
"Hello, you must be Chloe" Stephanie said
Well Stephanie seems really nice.
Then Gia nudged
"Hi you must be Stephanie" I said back then she smiled it was a comforting smile
"Come in" Stephanie welcomed me in my new home. When I entered there was a hugely muscled man that just stood up. I hid from him behind Stephanie. Sean was big and muscly every other man that was big and muscly reminded me of him. Stephanie moved me from my hiding place
"Chloe don't be scared this is Paul" Stephanie reassured me
"Hi Chloe don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" Paul said slowly approaching me. I smiled and walked over
"Hi" I said
         Stephanie's pov
I felt so sorry for Chloe. I heard what happened when she was young about losing her parents at the age of 3 to being raped at just the age of 12. Now any big and muscly people scare her. She didn't have a good childhood. Paul was worried because he knew she would be scared of him but he didn't want that.
"Chloe Paul has to be big and muscly for his job" I said
"What does he work as" Chloe asked
"He wrestles and owns the company WWE" I answered
"Wait are you triple H" Chloe asked looking at Paul he nodded
"You got a hair cut" Chloe said Paul nodded.
"Mommy daddy is Chloe here" my daughters said at the same time as they ran down the stairs.
"I'll leave you to it" Gia said and left
"Is this her because she's really pretty" Hannah said pointing at Chloe
"Yes it is" Paul said "Chloe this is Hannah, Lucy and cara"
"Nice to meet you girls" Chloe said
"Do you want to see your room" I asked Chloe nodded and followed me and Paul upstairs. Chloe walked in and was so happy.
"It's all we could do in 24 hours" I said
"I love it" she said sitting on her bed. I couldn't understand why it only had a tv and a bed with a wardrobe.
"We'll leave you to unpack" Paul said
"I haven't got anything tho" Chloe said
"Then let's go shopping tomorrow" I said she nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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