Some Kind Of Hate is Love

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A faint nuisance brings me to consciousness, somewhat. My body feels sore and heavy, I pick up the phone with eyes still closed

"Hello?" I mutter simultaneously stretching, my arm accidentally hits Joe's face, he moans.
"Ms.Strummer? This is the front desk calling to inform you your parents are waiting for you" states the polite voice, "Fuck" I whisper hanging up and getting off the bed.

"Wot is it?"
"Mum and dad, I told them I'd go to the airport with them" I say hurriedly looking for clothes.
When in the bathroom changing I spot a hickey on my neck. First I'm confused, then I remember why I wasn't wearing clothes when I woke up.
"Joe..." he's putting on pants, sitting at the edge of the bed, I stand in front of him, he looks up.
"How am I supposed to cover this?"
He chuckles, "makeup?"
"doesn't work"
"Then leave it," he takes me by the waist pulling me near to kiss my chest, "I like how it looks."
I roll my eyes and laugh.

We Find My Parents in the lobby, I can tell my dad is annoyed by his serious expression.
"Good morning, sorry we forgot to turn on the alarm" as if we even have one.
Dad disregards what I say and he heads outside where the driver was waiting.
In the car mum asks, "Candy you're wearing a turtleneck in June?"
I shrug, Joe charmingly tries to convince them it's "hip" while I try not to laugh.
"How was last night's show?" Asks my dad.
"It was great, they're amazing live" I say, I can tell Joe is flattered by his little smile. Every time he smiles my stomach twirls. I remember how in our early days I wrote a poem with all the little details about him that drove me crazy, I wonder if he still has it.

We did all the hugging and goodbye-ing at the airport,
"You two must come down once the tour is over" states mum.
"Yeah, come stay a couple weeks in the summer, we miss you Candy, and it was a pleasure talking to you Joe. Very intelligent boy, just right for my girl" my dad says making both Joe and I flush.
"We'll be there" assures Joe, painting smiles on their faces.

They leave and it's bittersweet, I'm relieved and beaming because they're happy with my decision to marry a wild-eyed guitarist who is bad at dancing but good at everything else, I'm happy too.

We decided to go grab something to eat, on the way there I kept thinking of all the times in the past months I'd cried and frowned at his thought where as now I can't stop looking at him and all I want is to have him in my arms.
Funny how changing humans are in nature, I would think "I hate him" yet today I don't know how that could be.
I felt he was a disease I could not get rid of, a virus that ran through my veins and no matter how many times I lied to myself I knew I could never stop loving him, I would have to stop breathing if so. And that made me resent him even more.

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