Chapter Fifty// New Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Paige, listen to me," Mrs Johnson replaces Nathan in his seat. Her eyes twinkle under the kitchen light, a smile growing across her lips. "I am proud of you. You followed your heart and look where it lead you, back to Nathan. I missed him so much that week he was away, but I know I didn't think about him as much as you must have done."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm telling you that you have come this far to be with him; don't give up now."

"But how? I don't want him to go but I still want to be with him. I'm his girlfriend, am I supposed to support his decision or to persuade him to stay?" I flop my head down onto the counter, letting my forehead hit the surface with a bang.

I doesn't hurt. My emotional pain counteracts the physical, making me feel nothing but the ach in my heart. He is just standing around the corner however it feels as if I have lost him again.

"What's going on?" Nathan's voice fills my ears. I lift my head up to see him standing in the archway with a frown of puzzlement.

"I'm sure everything will work out," she winks at me before leaving the room so me and Nathan are alone again.

"You want me to walk you home?" Nathan suggests.

That's strange.

Why does he want me to go? Does he want to leave me as soon as possible?

But I need to make a decision.

"Nathan I think..."

"Yes, Paige?" His eyes stare into mine. There is no time for contemplation, there is only one right thing to do...

"Never mind. Take me home."

We walk through the living room to the front door. I grab my shoes and slip them on, not able to even hold eye contact with him for more than a second- it hurts too much. "Oh, are you two leaving now?" Mrs Johnson jogs down the stairs, reaching for her coat and pulling it on.

"Ooh wait for me!" I turn my head to see Bailey jump off the sofa and switch the TV off. Oblivious to her being in the room, I hadn't acknowledged her presence until now.

"Hi Bailey," I give her a warm smile, hers widens with her cheeks bright pink and full of life. Mine, on the other hand, are drained without colour.

I get a little suspicious why they all want to walk me home. Nathan doesn't object to the idea. In fact, he just walks out the door and waits for his mom to lock it.

"Dad will meet us there," I hear her whisper to Bailey, who responds with a jump of what appears to be joy.

What is going on for all of Nathan's family to come round to my house?

"Lets go." Accepting his hand in mine, Nathan sways his arms with our interlocked hands by our side. We all turn the corner and I detect a skip in his step.

Is he seriously happy we are going to be parted soon? Is he happy we may no longer be together when he goes back, which- unless he changes his mine- is this weekend.

"Nathan, we need to talk," I decide to speak up, desperate to find out how he genuinely feels about the whole situation.

"Maybe later, we're here."

My shoes scrape across the tiles on my drive. I take out my key and turn the lock. Since it's not open therefore I suspect mom is out, normally the door is unlocked. From behind me I hear a high pitch giggle, must be coming from Bailey.

I push the door and walk in.

Instantly I am overwhelmed by the mass of people invading my space. The complete lounge is full with what appears to be my family and friends. I gasp in shock, my mom standing in the centre of everyone with a wide grin on her face, Lacy beaming beside her.

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