5 years, 72 days

15 0 4

I sat in the dingy seat, watching the passengers board. Stressed men, middle aged moms, angsty teens, screaming babies, but I could barely hear the noise they made, I was too focused on my mission. I thought about what Victor said, make a scene, do what I had to do to keep the plane from flying, while he had that small window of time, he'd be able to do what he had to do. I wasn't allowed to know specifics, but I assume it was something to do with one of his drug deals. It doesn't matter though. What matters is that he's going to let me free from this hell I'd been living in for so long. I'd been tracking how long it had been, last I remember it was 5 years, 68 days, that was, 3 days ago? 5 years, 72 days. Let's go with that. 

I looked down at my leg. That was my punishment, the day I tried to escape. I shivered and looked up. Bad memories. The flight attendant began to speak on the intercom, babbling about seat belts. It was time. I got up, and put on my best drunk face. I could really use a cigarette about now, my stress levels are off the charts.

But I use it. "Could somebody get me some goddamn cigarettes?" I yelled, now flopped across the passenger who was sitting beside me. 

"Ma'am, please take your seat," the flight attendant told me.

I put on my best stupid grin and shouted "Neverrr!"

I roll off my fellow passenger. The flight attendant is now standing above me as I lay on the ground. I gotta admit, I'm enjoying this a little, especially because I know the outcome will be freedom. "I gotta get off this plane, lady," I say as drunkenly as I can muster. 

"We can't do that," she says, looking down at me with scolding eyes.

I gasp like a new idea has hit, "Get me a parachute," I feign growing excitement, "it'll be like movies. Get me a parachute!" I yell and I start to laugh stupidly without reason. 

"Put your right foot in, and left foot out, that's what it's all about!" I sing. I notice some passengers seem amused at my performance. Glad I'm at least entertaining. I continue to sing in my drunken act, and the passengers join in as the flight attendants go to get the rest of the crew.

When they return I decide it's time for the finale. I stand up and stumble over to one of the crew members and yell "GET ME A PARACHUTE GODDAMMIT, I NEED MY SMOKESS!"

One of the men of the group grabs my arm and attempts to subdue me, but I twist away and fall back in the process, which screws up my fake leg, giving me an idea..I take off my false leg and attack one of the flight attendants. I hold the thing over her head and threaten that if she doesn't get me my parachute, I'll bash her head in. Before I could even think about following through with my threat, which I wouldn't have anyway, I'm being dragged away by men in police uniforms.

I smile as I'm dragged way, knowing I've escaped, also partly because the passengers are still singing. I wink at them before I'm completely out of their sight. 

*Six weeks later*

I'm boarding a flight. A flight to Scotland, an homage to how I got here. 

Victor gave me a new identity once i got out of jail for the minor misdemeanor. He even paid for my flight, along with some extra cash until I get on feet. The mafia can be very kind to those who help them.

Huh. Turned out dramatic. Prosthetic leg lady, was working with the mafia. 

There ya go, folks! Until next time my loves.. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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