1.- "Are you sewing your clothes?! You said ten minutes!"

Start from the beginning

Very nice, Mom. You're so winning the best mother award this year.

I thought sarcastically.

I sat on the table, eating my breakfast. Mom came back, rubbing her hands with a cloth as she just washed her hands.

"It's in the backyard. You have nothing to worry about," she ruffled my hair. I gave her a killer look.

"We are not keeping it, right?" I sipped on my juice.

"No, it belongs to a patient. It's a little girl, she asked me to take care of it while they're running some tests on her. I'll take it back to the hospital later."

"And you decide to use it for your evil purposes, didn't you?" she looked guilty for a moment.

"It's been hard getting you out of bed this summer. It's past noon, that's not healthy." she explained. I opened my mouth to argue but closed it. She was right. I'd been staying up late every single night of this summer. I blamed it on my sexy arrogant boyfriend. I grinned like a fool at the thought of him.


His mesmerizing dark eyes filled my mind. We hadn’t seen each other since the day we stayed at his house. That was two weeks ago. The distance between our towns was one of the reasons why and he was also taking a summer job so he didn’t have time to drive all the way here. I didn’t have a car so we were stuck for now. It sucked really. I was getting sadder every single day, I missed him. Of course, we talked everyday through wattpad, texts and calls but it was not enough anymore. Hopefully, we would be able to see each other this week-end. I let out a long sigh. Mom cleared her throat. I snapped back to reality, staring at my food.

"Eat it all," Mom ordered seriously "all." she repeated, kissing my forehead before walking out of the kitchen.

I was finishing my breakfast when the back door was thrown opened. I almost choked. Jason entered the kitchen, with a huge grin on his face.

"I have returned!" he said a pretended British accent. I gave him a flat look. When was he going to stop pretending the British accent? He sucked at it "Wow, you look so..." I glared at him "lovely," he finished, sitting across me.

"What are you doing here?" I wasn't in my greatest mood. He grasped an apple from the table bowl and took a bite.

"OW!" he whined when his teeth clashed against the fake apple. I chuckled "You could have told me it wasn't a real apple," I shrugged.

"Not my fault you're an idiot," he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, I see." he ruffled his own hair and got on his feet to look for the real apples in the fridge "What happened to your face?"

"Oh, nothing," I started pinching my pancake with my fork "I just have such thoughtful mother that she decided to put a cat on my bed this morning even though I'm allergic," Jason burst out laughing. I gave him a killer look. He coughed.

Growing up (MWL's sequel)✔️Where stories live. Discover now