1: This Is Gospel

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"The third time this week! You are grounded for the next month do you understand me?" My mother tells me on the drive home.
I got suspended.
It's not my fault English is so boring that I fall asleep in the back.
"Oh goodness the second our priest finds out. Ugh. Michale do you have any idea how bad this looks?" She asks.
"Stop talking about it you're killing me" I am dying back here .
It was just a short nap. No big deal.
"On Sunday you are going to have a long talk with elder Perry. End of story. Not another word about the subject. Just wait until your father finds out. Your brother. Why can't you be like him?" That's it . She found the spot.
"I am not vic. Get over it. Sorry I don't fulfill all your expectations." I snap.
"Not. Another. Word." Yep. She's mad.
After the long grueling drive home I hop out of the car before its even full in the driveway and run downstairs to my room.
Not sorry.
I hear the front door open hours later.
It's vic.
He probably heard about it.
He walks down stairs and knocks on my door.
"Come in"
He opens the door and sits on the beanbag in the corner.
"So what happened?" He asks.
" I fell asleep in English and I got suspended since it was my third time in the office this week. It's just minor things that I do. It's like like I lit the place on fire." I mumble the last part, remembering how I almost lit the gym on fire a few days ago.
" why'd you fall asleep?" This is the thing I like about vic. He's not gonna lecture me. He doesn't judge. He never argues with me.
" because it was a really boring class and I didn't really sleep." I tell him. Another thing you need to know about me is that I never really sleep. I'm always tired. I tried taking medicine for it but I'm still restless.
"Speaking of that, I did some more research at the library during my free period and I found that some people meditate to help them sleep. Here I checked out a book about it. Or, some people go jogging to physically exhaust them. Do some physical activity to make you tired. Maybe get a six pack in the process" he jokes. Smile and take the book he grabbed me .
"Hey.... Uh thanks for the book. And constantly trying to help. " I tell him.
" yeah no problem. Just try these out so you can actually sit through a class okay." He says getting up.
"Alright I'll try this and see where it takes me." I say as he walks out.
I skim the pages and relax a bit in the silence. I hear a car pull up and I know exactly who it is.
My dad.
I assume mom called him and told him what happened at work.
I put the book down and prepare for lecture like " you need Jesus" or " the devil is in you" oh my fuck I'm not even exaggerating when I say how religious my family is.
"Young man upstairs now."
That's my cue.
I hop up and go upstairs and sit on the couch facing both of my parents.
Neither of them look happy but that is nothing new.
" explain yourself." My did is first to say.
"I just fell asleep. That's all."
" no I mean explain why you spend more time in the office than you do in class ."
Uh fuck.
"It's just small stuff. It really shouldn't be a big deal." Probably not the answer they were looking for but who cares.
" you fall asleep in class constantly, you talk back to teachers, you pick fights, and on top of it all you vandalize school property constantly. So yes it's kind of a big deal."
I know my attitude is bad. But I just don't care. They try to "fix"me and that obviously works out.
"On Sunday morning you are talking to father Perry about your behavior. The devil is in your shoulder and he needs to vanish before we lose you son." My dad says loudly.
"Now , dinner is almost ready and we are going to all sit down as a family and pray. Understand?" I got really close up to my face
"Yes" I say.
"Yes what?" He spits.
"Yes......sir. you need a breath mint by the way." I'm gonna get in so much trouble for that.
"Boy itd be best if you hold your tongue. Now go wash up and get your brother for supper." I go wash my hands and get vic and we sit at the table.
"Ill say the prayers." Of coarse dad volunteers .
"Heavenly Father, we thank you for our meal. And we thank you for life.  We thank you for our daily bread and wine." Does spaghetti look like bread??? "However we need your help. Our son Michael has the devil on his shoulder. We need you to rid him of his evil spirit. Bring our family peace.Amen." and with that I lost my appetite. I am not the evil devil child they think I am. I just don't follow the rules as strictly as they do.
This is going to be an interesting Sunday.

So first chapter ....
Tell me what you think in the comments.
I'm debating between making it Christianity or Mormon.
I'm leaning towards Christian though.
But yeah feedback is always loved and if you wanna go check out my kellic "fools holiday" I'm writing the sequel now.
Title: Panic! At the disco - This Is Gospel

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