CHAPTER TWO!!! (James O.W.Ls-are-gonna-shrek-me-tbh Potter)

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When they arrived at the compartment containing their friends, Sirius was bombarded with a flood of greetings. James jumped up and clapped his best friend on the back, yelling a "'ELLO, PADFOOT!" loud enough that the girls in the compartment next to them had to come in and yell at them.

Sirius grinned a red-lipped smile at their friends and plonked themselves down on the fraying train seat next to Remus. "Hey, your hair's longer!" Remus exclaimed, reaching forward and grabbing a strand, pulling the now long curls.

"Yeah, my parents already hate my hair, so I figured, why not disappoint them even more and grow it long enough for a flipping ponytail?" Sirius smirked, leaning back in their seat and plonking their legs on the opposite seat, next to Peter.

James gasped suddenly, clapping his hands over his mouth in a very theatrical manner. "I just remembered- we've got O.W.Ls this year! Oh my god, I'm gonna fail so bad!"

Sirius groaned and put their head in their hands. "You're gonna fail? What about me?! I swear half the teachers hate me, seriously!"

Peter sighed. "I wish you hadn't reminded me, Prongs! Now I'm just going to stress even more!"

"I honestly don't know what you guys are worrying about! We'll all be fine!" Remus reassured the group.

"Says you, Mr Top of the class!" Said Sirius, sticking out their tongue.

Remus shoved them.

Sirius shoved back.

Somehow, they ended up on top of each other on the floor of the compartment, rolling around and laughing their heads off.

"Tickling is soo unfair, Black!" Remus giggled, poking Sirius in the chest.

"You started it, Lupin," Sirius smiled back.


The train ride seemed longer than usual, but they arrived at the station on time. The Marauders had gone through their usual routine that they always carried out at the start of the year - scope out hot girls (or in some cases, guys), ask Lily Evans to join them in the carriage up to the castle, console James when she rudely brushed him off ("you wish, prat"), carve their names clumsily into the carriage they were riding in, and swap jokes for the rest of the journey. Peter was just finishing off the one about the two guys in a lunatic asylum (he's a nerd okay), when they drew up at the castle door.

"I swear, it's even more beautiful than last year," Remus muttered, gazing up at the glimmering lights.

"Not as beautiful as you, darling!" Said Sirius in a soppy voice, holding their hands to their heart.

"Shut up.." Blushed Remus, head in hands.

They clambered out the carriage, James and Sirius whooping on the steps up to the castle. Lily Evans brushed past them, her red hair billowing in the wind and her emerald eyes turned away in disdain.

"Still no luck there, then, James?" Laughed Arthur Weasley, an annoying seventh year, clapping James on the back as he passed by. James practically jumped out of his skin.

"I'm...working on it..." Scowled James, glaring at the older boy as Arthur strode past to meet with his girlfriend, Molly.

After the sorting (Sirius smiled sadly when their little brother, Regulus, was sorted into Slytherin) and a delicious start-of-year feast in the Great Hall, Professor Dumbledore, the newly appointed headmaster, stood at the front of the teacher's table to make the annual announcements.

The four friends just groaned and muttered amongst themselves while the usual statements were made (don't go into the Forbidden Forest, listen to Filch, the caretaker, don't go near the Whomping Willow etc.) but fell quiet when Dumbledore proclaimed:

"Now, this is an announcement for the whole school, so even the older students need to pay attention-" The whole room was so silent, you could probably hear a owl feather drop.

"The year has come when we will be restarting... the Triwizard Tournament!" It was like a bomb had exploded in the hall. The Triwizard Tournament hadn't been held in years, so it was evidently a cause for celebration. Everyone was yelling and cheering, and James (the absolute lunatic) had taken it apon himself to stand on top of the Griffyndor table and yell down to Lily, "Hey, Evans! If I get in, will you go out with me?" As his answer, he got a sandwich chucked him with surprisingly accurate aim.

Sirius rolled their eyes and turned away from James, shielding their eyes from the embarrassment. "I don't know that man, nuh uh, I've never seen him before in my life, no way, who's James Potter? Not my friend, that's for sure!", they told everyone nearby.

When the almost riot died down somewhat, Dumbledore added, "Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be joining us in a few days. Anyone is allowed to enter, but this tournament will test even the seventh years, so be wary of your magical knowledge and talent."

That is all."


Guess who's back hoes

Pls answer this: what do you like about this fic, and is there anything you want me to include/improve on?

{the joke that Peter told - from Batman: The Killing Joke

So there are two guys in a lunatic asylum, but obviously, it's not very nice there, so they decide they're going to escape.

One night, they break out of their cells and go onto the roof of the asylum. There's a gap between the roof they're on and the roof that would take them back into town, and the first man jumps across the gap with no problems.

The second guy, however, is to scared to make the jump - he thinks he's gonna fall.

Then the first man has an idea. "Hey, I've got a flashlight with me. I'll shine it across the gap and you can walk across on the beam of light!"

The second man says "what do you think I am, crazy?!"

You'll turn it off when I'm halfway across!"}

Fave tbh

Vote and comment if u liked thank x

Also did anyone see the killing joke? If you did, opinions on the batgirl and batman 😏😏 thing??

Byeee xx


Ps I can't b bothered to look up the actual timeline etc. so there's gonna be a load of random characters that might seem odd but meh >:(

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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