Chapter 8-Her own family secret,more like her own

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I'll continue on Her Own Family Secret,More Like Her Own tomorrow.What secret is she hiding?

Will it affect her popularity?


So this is it.

This is not the last chapter but this is it.I'm going through the forest,to the neighbouring neighbourhood.

With insects I didn't even knew and some furious lost cats.That will scratch me and leave me bleed to death.

I maybe overreacting,a forest could be a dangerous place even if it's in between two neighbourhoods with tons of people.And yes,I'm overreacting.Little bit.

Wait,before that,let me tell you how I manage to get out into the forest without being caught by my dad.


I went back home from school.I opened the front door and went upstairs,put my bag and brought a small,handy,toy camera that I got from KFC.It might be childish but at least I have a camera.

And also,I changed my clothes and wore a T-shirt.And I put on a pair of shoes to make me look like I was going out for a jog.

 I went down stairs trying to make much noise as possible and opened the door very,very slowly 'till...

"Where are you going?" asked my dad.

"Out for an evening jog."

"It's not even evening,yet.Why don't you stay and wait for your mother to come home?"

Oh,yeah.I almost forgot,Mum's coming back from England.From work.Though how many times I think,that I pretend to know that me and my mum would have some quality time together,it just won't happen.

So I gave up.Don't get me wrong,I love my mum.But my mum is just ugh.She can't even fly back to visit me when I was in the hospital because I broke my leg.

And she didn't even have time to look at my trophies,medals that I had won.I've worked so hard for that.

But my dad,on the other hand,is cool,awesome and most importantly,the best dad in the world,though he needs to get rid of that jip.

If I could succeed on Operation Whack The Bossy Girl,maybe I could start on Operation Get Rid Of The Jip.

"But,dad.Please.I've put on so much weight lately.I need a jog," I said,sounding like I was begging.

"Fine.Be back by 5,okay?"

And to avoid a lie,I jogged to the forest.Smart,right?


And as I walked through the forest,I saw a lot of creatures.

On my left,insects and on my right,creeping crawling insects

Insects and insects and more insects and...

A pen?

I tooked the pen that was covered with dried leafs.

I looked at it and noticed a name.

Samantha Dickens.What's her pen doing in the middle of the forest?

And there's only one conclusion for this,she's been to this forest.

Why?A shortcut to the house?

I'm not sure but before I knew it,I was infront of the house.Which was a bad idea as I should be spying.

I hid behind a bush as I saw someone opening the door.

It was Samantha  and  a guy.Boyfriend perhaps?

Then, I heard something...

Bye cousin.

Cousin!?Is that it?I'm tired of this,my plan isn't working.This is ridiculous!

And I need help!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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