"would you like something to drink?" he said after our silence, and i took one glass of champagne out of a waiter's tray.

"i'm sorry." i blurred out. The thing was...i really am. After ditching on him at the festival. And not answering him i felt horrible.

"don't sweat it out." he said smiling, i couldn't comprehend him, if i was a man and met a girl like me, i wouldn't even spare a second glance after i treated him in such way.

"yes i do, because i'm such a bad person" i said and in that moment the man i came with at this horrible dinner appeared.

"Amelia." his voice deep, cold and commanding. Oh no! if he thought he could treat me like this after that show he put on...he's wrong.

"Alex, i believe you know Ethan" i said and kept looking at him, Not Alex, but the man i think i've hurt.

"yes i do. Now please come inside, it's starting to rain" Again that commanding tone.

"go, He's right you are not dressed to be outside" Ethan nodded towards him. Smiling but i could see through it.

"ok, see you later, and i meant what i said." i remembered him.

Alex took my hand and squeezed it. taking my head in his hand he talked to me really close.

"i don't know what that was, but i can confidently say that i don't like the way he looks at you" he said in a low voice with a false smile on.

Taking the hint i smiled and answered him with the sweetest voice i could do.

"really? i didn't notice maybe i could kiss him and throw myself at his arms"

"don't play with fire kitten, you could get hurt" he said and took my hand as he rapidly strode inside, there was a table of 8 and guess who was poring herself a glass of whine.

"so this is Amelia! nice to meet you, i'm Jessica. And i'm so sorry for earlier, Alex told me everything about you two" She said with a fake smile and everything else matching that smile.

"it's ok. Nice to meet you" i said taking a seat beside a man that was talking to another male at the table.

He glazed towards me and did a double take after smiling at me and keeping his glance until i was beside him. Alex took a seat beside me, uncomfortable for the way he kept touching his hair and squeezing my hand on his.

And the game was on.

Jessica...well how to say this. She kept talking and glancing at Alex the entire evening. even switching places with a girl beside him to be able to talk "sweetly" on his ear and even touching his thigh. Yes! his thigh, she made comments about them being together and having memories she was very "fond" of.

Her long nails appeared on his head and placed her head on his shoulder a couple of times, i couldn't even eat with the scene i had beside me, so when Andrew, the man at my side asked me if i smoked i nodded and got out of there as quickly as i could.

Once on the balcony i looked outside and breathed, because the nerves, the jealousy and the disappointment was eating me.

"You were rather fast, i thought i lost you for a moment."

"i'm sorry i needed a little air" my voice was just a whisper, all i wanted was to get out of there.

"what is a girl like you doing in this... boring doctor's dinner" "don't answer me. I saw the look Alex Reed was giving you"

"i came with him" i curtly said, i didn't know the intentions of this man in doing some small talk.

"don't worry, she's nothing but a desperate divorced 40 year old woman, if you know what i mean" he said and laughed to himself.

"i don't. All i saw is that Alex could stop any of her advances"

"i wouldn't even call them that, but i agree with you, if i had a beautiful young girl like you...God! i wouldn't even glance another woman" And at that he laughed. and shook his head taking a hint of his cigarette.

"i guess i'm not that interesting to him." i sounded sad and melancholic, and the truth was. Alex disappointed me. I dressed for him. Made myself look my best and this is what i get. Listen to his 40 year old mistress talk about their affair and trips while i sit obediently beside him.

"don't look so sad Amelia, how old are you if you don't mind my question?" he asked and smiled at me. Showing me his perfect white teeth.

"She's 21, and I DO mind" Alex said taking fast strides towards us. He took his jacket and place it on my shoulders. He looked angry, but his eyes weren't on mine but set on Andrew's.

"wow. i didn't knew you liked them young Alex, but i do have to say... Amelia? you're gorgeous. Goodbye darling see you inside" Andrew said patting Alex's shoulder and making his exit.

"i told you about being outside, you are just wearing a dress."

"just a dress..." i muttered, not for him but to me, the irony.

"why aren't you eating?"

"i lost my appetite"

"really? why?" he asked

"i don't know, the topic of conversation made me uncomfortable somehow" i said looking bravely into his deep blue eyes.

He looked at me and we lost the thread of the discussion for a while.

"i'm not fully aware of what was the topic, but one thing i noticed is that you didn't even touch the food and i couldn't touch or speak to you" he said, and hurt was clear on his voice and his face.

"maybe your mistress inside can refresh it to you, it was quite the monologue" i said keeping a straight expression. He will not hurt me. Ever.

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