Chapter 2

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His smile vanished and appeared a face that I hadn't seen in a while.

"There is no way in hell that I would want to marry you so don't even think for one second that I actually care about this marriage alliance, or you. Don't even get your hopes up. Do you understand?" So, this is what his true face was. He twisted at my hands. "Stop, it hurts!" "Does it now?" He looked deep into my eyes as he squeezed tighter on my hands.

"All you are is a money-grabbing whore. Just because my mum loves your family, it doesn't mean I have to. All you want is our money. This, your scheme. I know it very well, just because you have my mum fooled, don't think I'll fall for it too." "I don't want your money." I whimpered. "I. don't. want. this. marriage." "Good. Go say that downstairs." "What? I-I-I can't." "Why not? So, you are a gold digger. As I thought. I bet your mother put you up to this, or even better yet" he laughed "This is probably a mother and daughter scheme."

"Shut up! Shut up!" I started to tear up "Say what you want about me, but don't you dare talk about my mother like that. She only agreed to make your mother happy. She didn't come up with this in the first place! Your mum did! Go talk to her before you insult others!" "I bet both of you manipulated her, why else would she accept her maid's daughter to become her daughter-in-law? Does any of that make sense to you?" I let the tears stream. I couldn't answer him.

He was always looking down on me since we were kids, I knew where I stood, I knew I wasn't rich or worthy to even marry into a family with half the status that Kohl and his family held. But I never even tried, I always kept my distance. It didn't help his growing hate towards me when his mother loved me as if I was her own child. She always let me stay over at theirs, she provided for me in so many ways and for that, I felt indebted to her.

I had forgotten how close Kohl and I were standing, it wasn't only making me mad but it was making my insides burn. He looked at me with confusion and started to move closer as if he was going to kiss me. I shifted my face away as fast as I could.

Does he think he can get his way with me, with the way he talks about me and my mother? "Let me go, please," I said in a quiet voice. "What? I didn't hear you." He said in his calmest tone. "You heard." I struggled, whilst trying to pull away from his grasp.

He let go of my hands and quickly opened a button on my shirt. "No, what are you doing?! Please. Stop!" He kissed my neck with great passion and then pulled at my shirt to slightly reveal my right shoulder and continued kissing me there too. "Please. Stop." I moaned. He smiled. He kissed my shoulder again, working his way up to my neck and then I felt the worst pain ever... he bit into my neck and gave me a hickey. I shoved him off of me.

"What the hell?! Why did you do that for?" "Why are you complaining now, you seemed to have liked it when I was kissing you." He sniggered. "You won't tell them that you won't marry me? Fine. Let's get married. We'll play together, won't we?" He smugly said, "We'll play on top of the sofa, the table, the bathroom if you get what I mean?" He winked. "And don't forget the bed, that's the best bit. But first, go ahead and try to hide this from them." He caressed my sore hickey on my neck. "Why do I have to do it? You hate me! You could've done it, why the hell did you agree in the first place?" He went silent.

Kohl sighed and took a deep breath. "Because I promised myself I would never make my mum sad ever again after that bastard left her." I admired him for his protectiveness over his mother. But he didn't have to hurt me to protect his mother. I wouldn't say no, because I couldn't. But he didn't have to say yes.

"Besides she likes you, you can say no. She won't be as upset." "No, I can't upset her. I can't do it. She's always given me everything I've never had like books and pens. She even helped me get into school when my mum couldn't and I've never given her anything back in return, how can I go and refuse the only one thing she's ever asked of me? I can't." My tears started streaming again.

"Oh please, save this act for someone who cares." He scoffed.

I looked up at him with disgust. I couldn't understand him. What made him so popular when we were in high school, why did all the girls helplessly embarrass their selves for him?

I guess he was kinda hot. He wasn't exactly plain average, he had these deep sparkling blue eyes and silky brown hair. It was unfair for him to even possess an impressive build, but still, there was one thing lacking about him. His personality. He was the cockiest, guy, I've ever known.

On many attempts, Kohl's mother had tried to rebuild our relationship which always failed because he didn't know how to stand me.

"Kohl! Kohlie! Where are you?! I heard Dara came. Dara!" "Looks like Kate came home from school." He looked like he was panicking, looking from the left to the right. He looked at me up and down and stopped at my dishevelled shirt. I forgot about my top.

He rushed to close my buttons. "What are you doing?" I grabbed his hand away from my shirt. "Wait there, Kate! We'll just be a minute." He screamed over me. He quickly paced around his room looking for something. "Ah, there it is!" He found a scarf and rushed back to me and placed it around my neck. I stood there confused by his actions. I didn't even have to ask him why he put a scarf around me because he instantly said: "unless you wanna show off your hickey, be my guest." He shrugged.

I sighed, "if you're embarrassed by it. Don't give me one, you fool." "Who are you calling a fool?" He stepped closer towards me as I walked backwards, moving away from him. He approached me even closer and looked at the scarf that was now covering my hickey. "You're the one who looks like a fool." He scoffed. I wanted to drag that smirk off his face.

"Okay I'm coming in, you've made me wait long enough!" Yelled his little sister, Kate. "3...2..." And the door swung flying open.

What Kohl and I didn't realize was that the door wasn't locked anymore because I unlocked it earlier when I tried to escape. We didn't realize how close we were standing by the door until it hit us, making me fall to the ground, onto him with my lips sealed onto his. We both looked at each other surprised. His hands were on my waist, holding me still.

"Uh... maybe this isn't a good time. I'll see you guys later!" Chuckled Kate and ran closing the door.

"Get off of me!" I screamed trying to shove and push him off of me. "Calm down. I'm not on you, you're on me." He sighed as he corrected me.

"She's supposed to count to 0 and then come in." He thought out loud.

How is it that, that was the first thing that he had in his mind, whereas there was me trying to trace where his lips had touched mine. I simply glared at him. I wiped at my lips aggressively.

"Calm down princess, that was not a kiss. Please. I'll show you what a real kiss is." He slowly approached my way.

That was when I knew what I had to do. I bolted out of his room as soon as I could. I came down the stairs and found my mum and his mother looking at me as if I was crazy. "Wait you forgot the... scarf" Kohl stood by me trying to also catch his breath.

Both our mothers eyed me, him, my hickey. Oh god, the hickey. I didn't wanna be alive anymore. This was so embarrassing.

His mother cleared her throat, I can see you guys had... fun." My mum sniggered at that. My mum walked towards me and looked at my hickey. "Oh no the weddings in a couple of days, how are we going to hide this?" Kohl and I stood there looking guilty. Even though there was really no reason for me to feel guilty.

"Kohl could you have not waited after the wedding, seriously. I hope you guys aren't planning on doing anything else before you're married. You do realize it's not that long away, so please behave. Especially you." Mrs Evans stared at her son. "Mum!"

"Yes you, Kohl." She sighed.

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