3.Birthday Bash

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I walk over to Derek and the girl

"Hey Derek can I speak to you for a second" I ask and the girl is just mugging me to death

"Why do you need him he didn't come here for you" She says trying to act sassy

I turn to her and give her a bitch was i talking to you look and Derek noticed

"Babe just go and talk to people" Derek lets go of her hand and she stomps her way to the group

"Why would you bring a girl like that around my children?" I ask in a rude way

"Our children and because she is my girlfriend" he states

"Since when?" I ask cocking an eyebrow

"For a while now, now if you will excuse me I have children to say happy birthday to" He walks away leaving me slightly frustrated

I walk back to everyone and put on a fake smile and of course Lina, Alexis, and Angel recognize, they all look at each other and then look at me

"Come on were going to the bathroom" Angel says dragging us all

"So what just happened" Lina asks

"Nothing just some misunderstandings" I tell them and they each give me I know there is more look

"Fine, Derek brought a girl and she looks like a skank, and I don't want her to be around my children" I let out in one saying

"Is it just the girl or any girl" Lina asks

" Idon'tKnowl" I mumble

"What was that" Alexis cups her ear

" I don't know OK!" I raise my voice

"I'm sorry" I apologize right away

"It's fine just either tell him how you feel about him or just let him bring around as many girls around you children your call" Angel says 

"But I don't know how I feel around Derek" I say and they all nod, then we walk out the bathroom

As I walk out I see Sammy walk in with two medium sized boxes, so I walk over to him just to help him

"Need any help?" I ask and he nods so I grab one of the boxes

"You look hot in that you know that" Sammy says and makes me blush and Derek notices 

"Well thank you but i'm still not getting back with you" I say and he huffs

~20 minutes later~

"Derek can we please leave it's boring here" I hear the skank whisper beg

"Not yet Stacy, we haven't even said happy birthday to them yet" Derek whispers back

I see the skank walk up to me and I am ready to slap her

"Hey bitch can you like hurry up and sing happy birthday to your brat kids Derek and I want to leave" she says to me

"Listen Skank if you guys wan't to leave by all means go but we are not singing happy birthday it's only been 20 minutes since you guys showed up so have some decency to celebrate someones 1st birthday" I spat out to her and step closer to her

"Don't get mad because I can get some with Derek and you can't" she whispers in my ear

"Aww but at least I don't have sloppy seconds" I tell her and she walks away to Derek

~30 minutes later~

Derek and that skank left about 5 minutes after I gave her that speech. Derek can do whatever he wants I can't control him but I guess that skank can

"Ok guys time to say happy birthday" I yell and everyone gathers around

The workers gave each Lily and Andrew and crown with tokens in them, we lit the candles and started singing happy birthday.


Everyone has left home, the twins went with Josh and Angel so I can clean up a little. The only person that stayed to help was Sammy.

"Thanks for helping" I tell him

"What are friends are for if we even are friends" he says 

"Yes Sammy we are friends" I give him a hug 

Sammy helps load all the presents into my trunk, once we finished he left and I left to go pick up the twins.


I knock on Angel's and Josh's door, Angel answers the door

"Hey how were the kids" I yawn while saying it

"Come in you look tired" Angel says and I nod 

"Well I am not letting you go on the rode sleepy, so your staying in the guest bedroom" Angel says 

"Yea and plus the kids are sleep in there as well" Josh says coming out from the guest bedroom

"Thanks guys" I hug them then walk into the guest bedroom, I see my sweet little babies sleeping peacefully so I took a picture and posted it on Instagram

@SkyLove_ : Aww Birthday Dream, Ily my little mini me's

As soon as I posted got I got a text

{Derek} Sorry couldn't stay for the whole party

{Me} It's whatever 

{Derek} Don't be mad at me I wasn't the one who wanted to leave

{Me} but you still did, your skank could have taken an UBER or Taxi

{Derek} she isn't a skank, her name is Stacy and she doesn't like riding in other peoples car

{Me} okay whatever 

{Derek} Don't be mad


{Derek} I will make take the twins out to make up for today

{Me} Fine but don't flake

{Derek} I won't now Goodnight sky

{Me} Night


Yasssssss ILY BABIES 

Boss's Daughter 2 // Derek LuhOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz