18 - Stuck on Berk

Start from the beginning

He was on Berk! Everyone he previously knew was there. The twins, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Astrid, Gobber, his Father, Gothi, etcetera, etcetera. He looked down at his hands, noting that they were smaller than he remembered.

In vain, Hiccup frantically began calling out, "Luneah! Allen! Jeysannia! Elise!" as he walked down the village road, the villagers strolled by, giving him weird looks.

He found his father, who pat him on the back, saying "So, son? You ready for your first day of dragon training?"

Hiccup found his mouth dropping, and his father laughed. "Don't tell me you already forgot, son!"

"N-no. I didn't."

"Well, go on then! You're gonna be late. Where's your axe?"

With a thumb, the teen pointed to the house. "Back at home. I'd rather use a sword than an axe. It balances better."

With those words, he ran off to the forge to see Gobber, keeping an eye out for his friends from Suni. He was fifteen again! Not 17, he was two whole years younger!

"Gobber! I need a sword!" He yelled, rushing into the small shack.

The burly man sighed. "Hi to you too, lad. The swords are on the wall."

"Thanks Gobber," he called out, about to leave.

"Wait for me! I'm yer teacher, don't leave me here!"

They rushed over to the arena, Hiccup's mind reeling the entire time.

'Was my time on Isunder all a dream?'

As they approached the arena, Hiccup stopped to look at his sword. It was similar to the one he held on the first day of training with Allen and Luneah, except Jay's crafstmanship was more on the decorative side.

He rushed in, just in time to hear the teens talking about getting mauled by a dragon.

"I know, right. Pain. I love it."

All the teenagers twisted around to see Hiccup, and groaned.

"Who let him in?"

"Can I transfer to the class with the cool vikings?"

Hiccup shook his head. Back to being the unpopular one. "Gobber, before we start, can we practice with our weapons?"


"Yes, Gobber. I know you believe in 'learning on the job' but I was never good at fighting. Just for today? Please?"

Gobber thought for a moment, before nodding. "Alright. Fishlegs with 'Lout, the twins are together, and Astrid and Hiccup."

Hiccup grimaced, and turned to Astrid, who had a devilish grin on her face. She was going to enjoy beating the crap out of him. Hiccup grimaced for a moment, before turning to Astrid. He then realized that he would be able to prove himself wrong, if he could beat Astrid.

He got into the proper stance that he had learned, and looked at Astrid. She was strong, quick, and agile. Her grip on her axe was pretty strong, but her battle stance was bad. He wracked his brain for anything he knew about her, and remembered that she used strong, fast blows to the head. If she continued swinging with her heavy axe, she would easily become tired.

Formulating a plan in his head, he decided to wear her out, by dodging the blows. She would become frustrated, and her technique would become sloppy, letting Hiccup knock her off her feet, after disarming her. He remembered that no one knew he was left-handed, so he decided to use his right to fight.

Astrid cracked her knuckles. "You ready, toothpick?"

He displayed a smile. "Ready as I'll ever be."

She raised an eyebrow, before charging with a loud battle cry. She swung her axe to his head and he ducked easily, trying not to laugh. Astrid thought nothing of it and swung again, this time, her axe head met with a sword. She drew back and growled.

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