Diamond Brine

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When she was only one year old, her uncles Steve and Notch kidnapped her from her father Herobrine. They sent her into the human world called Earth. She doesn't remember who her real parents are, but on her tenth birthday she had a dream that lightning struck the ground and suddenly she had powers. In the dream she had super speed, she could shot fire out of her hands, she could shape shift, lift things with her mind, and she had white eyes. When she woke up she told her friend Sam about the dream and said that sounded a lot like things Herobrine would have. Diamond asked what Herobrine was and Sam told her all about the legends and myths about the other universe. Then one day her dream became a reality. She never told anyone about her powers, but she did morph in to a wolf and hang out with her friend Adam, who was also a wolf. But sometimes she thinks about what it would be like if she lived with her father. She has long brown hair and pure white eyes.

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