"I'm just sayin'..."

"What? That you don't want my help?"

"No, I'm just saying don't do this to yourself."

"Sam, if I don't find something..."

"Then I'll die."

"Oh, you're upsetting me."

"Dean, we knew this was coming. When you put my soul back. Cas warned you about all the crap it would..."

"Screw Cas! Quit being Dali frickin' Yoda about this, ok? Get pissed!"

"I'm too tired. This is what happens when you throw a soul into Lucifer's dog bowl. When you think there's just gonna be some cure out there?"

"Aw, you guys are having a moment."

Dean leaves angrily. Quietly, but angrily. Sam's wrong. there will be some kind of cure out there. And he's gonna find it, no matter how long it takes. Sam will get better. Soon enough, this will all be over and done with. Hopefully.


Dean makes a few calls to some of Bobby's hunter friends, in hopes that one of them will have some kind of info on how to cure Sam. None of them call back or are very helpful except one guy. He says there's this guy named Emanuel that helped him get cured, and thinks that maybe he could help Sam too.

Dean goes to look for this Emanuel. He wonders why he's never heard of the guy, maybe he's kept a low-profile because of his whole 'helping and curing people magically' thing. Anyway, this guy better help Sam or Dean's gonna tear his hair out, still looking for some kind of cure.


"Narcissistic personality disorder. Ok, now this one this one I could have. Sets unrealistic goals, check." Sam's nurse walks into the room and gives Sam his meds, completely unaware that Lucifer is talking to Sam at this very moment, but Sam ignores him."But, trouble keeping healthy relationships? Not so sure about that one. Thoughts?"Sam still ignores him. Like he's not even there. he he definitely is. And Sam is sure of it.

Sam's doctor walks in a little bit later. "How are we feeling today? rib pain, on a scale of 1-10?"

"Its not bad. Um, 3?"

"You don't have to lie Sam."

Sam looks at him confused. "I'm not."

"You've suffered terrible agony. I mean, your 10 must be astronomical."

"Yeah. I guess I have a high threshold."

"Yeah. But the worst is always knowing theres a new ten."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well I'm talking about the truly elegant torture I have prepared for you today Sam." But it's not the doctor. After his last sentence, he morphs into Lucifer. Here we go again.

"Just stay the hell away from me." Sam demands.

"But its-its so nice chatting. Sam, I hate these onesided conversations.Come on buddy. Engage. Sam?You...me...locked ward. Is it just me or is this just like the cage?"


Sam yawns. Its been hours, days even, since he's had at least a few minutes of sleep. Whenever he closes his eyes, all he sees is Lucifer, but that's no different than now, either. One of the orderlys brongs in Sam's food, just a plain sandwich. Nothing special. Sam takes a bite. When he looks down at it again, his burger is full of maggots and mealworms. It's just a hallucination from the insomnia, as the doctor would put it, but this feels all too real. He immediately drops it on the ground as a girl walks by his door, stares at him. He stares back, and she walks away.

Just Let It Go {Superntural oneshots}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें