Episode 1 - New Beginnings

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~At Cage&Fish

Everybody's gathered at the staff meeting early that day.

"Okay, so first-off we have a case very much in our wheel-house...anyone wanna guess what it is?" Richard asked sarcastically as Richard does it best.

Silence occur for a few seconds. Ally annoyingly looked at Richard. "Is it a sexual harassment case?"

"Bingo! So Ally, you take that one." Richard said. Ally's mouth opened to protest before Richard cut her off. "And no Ally...you cannot use your heartbreak with Victor to excuse yourself to any work..."

"Says you?" Nelle rolled her yes. Richard tilted his head and squinted.

"Oh you and that cute handyman broke-up?" Liza asked.

Richard looking hurt. "Liza! I'm standing right here!"

"Oh don't worry Fishy...he's not my type." Liza smiled.

"Thank you for announcing it to the whole firm Richard! You're a swell of a boss." Ally said in annoyance.

"Thanks Ally...I know that already but it's nice to hear you think so to." Richard replied. Only those who use sarcasms a lot never actually understands sarcasms when done to them.

Ally rolled her eyes.

"Okay, so moving-on..." Richard continued.

"I've got the Wayne John case...he's being sued for firing his secretary because she became "too fat"..." Nelle said.

"He sounds like my long-lost-brother. Bygones." Richard remarked. "Okay so off we go..."

"Wait...what are you guys doing?" Ally glared at Richard.

"We're on the Scooby-Doo case Ally, Nelle, sweetheart." Richard replied looking at them one by one.

Nelle looking confused. Liza looking bored and confused.

Jackson looking confused as well. "Excuse me?"

"Jackson, Wilson...the 3 of us would go find my better half!" Richard pointing out the 3 men in the room.

Liza squinted. "Fishy...I'm right here?"

"Sorry...I meant my senior-partner better half." Richard added.

"Is he serious?" Wilson asked. Ally&Nelle both nodded.

Jackson did a small face palm. "Why am I still in this firm?"

"Okay so off we fellows go...rest of you, go do boring lawyer stuffs..." Richard closed the meeting.

Everyone went-out the office except for Ally and Richard.

Richard stared at her. "Ally, for the last time...no...you can't take the day-off. I still need the money...I mean we still need the money. Bygones."

"Richard...if you guys find John...tell him "I miss him" okay?" Ally looked-up at Richard. The 2 obviously missing their friend who's suddenly disappeared once again out of the blue--probably at a Mexican restaurant somewhere.

"Will do." Richard nodded and gave out a small smirk.

Ally smiles back.

~Opening Theme


~At the Courthouse Hallways

Ally and Nelle arrive at the courthouse.

"Nelle, my client's being sued for sexually harassing his student--I think Cage&Fish has mastered these types of cases." Ally said.

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