Chapter 11

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Kurai's pov

I couldn't get my mind off of yesterday's incidents. Akki attacked me for no reason, preventing me from helping Rin and Yukio in their battle, and then there was the fact that Rin had blood over him but there were no wounds to be found anywhere on his body. Secrets are being kept from me and I don't like it one bit.

I was heading to class, my thoughts were all over the place. Why am I still in the cram school? I can't even remember why I joined the academy anymore, why am I still here?

We were all gathered in our class room to find out the results of the Exwire exam. Rin was sat at his desk anxiously fiddling with nearby objects, looking as if he couldn't bear to wait another minute longer to find out the results. Shiemi was sat beside him with her hands clasped together in her lap, shyly staring down at them. Sugaro and his little posy were sat in their regular seats looking worried that they didn't pass. The hooded guy and puppet dude were sat at the back of the class on separate sides of the room, hooded guy was playing video games as usual and puppet dude was of course, idly playing with his puppet doll thing. Polka brow was brooding at her desk alone because from what I've heard her only friend wimped out and quit. As for me, I'm sat at my desk behind Rin and Shiemi without Akki beside me because, you know, he decided to double cross me and all.

We've been sitting around for at least an hour waiting for Mephisto to turn up. You'd think with him being the demon king of time he would always be on time, but no, he has to follow the mortals' standards of being 'fashionably late'. I'm fed up with the messed up ways in Assiah. Maybe that's what made Akki go berserk? Is he rebelling so he can permanently return to Gahenna? Ugh, I don't even know what to think about that familiar anymore, all of this is just becoming a bit too much for me...

Interrupting my train of thought, a puff of smoke appeared in the centre of the front of the class room. Amidst the smoke appeared Mephisto as jolly and dressed up as ever

"Congratulations!" he shouted, making a few of the students jump. He cast a spell, creating a banner mimicking his words above him. Then followed by tons of lucky objects and confetti flying out from behind him. Everyone looks at him, not knowing how to respond to a scene like this.

"You've passed the exam! You've all been promoted to become Exwires!" Mephisto grins

The air lifted in the room as the worriers all lost the weight on their shoulders. Cheers erupted from the boys, other than the creepy ones of course. I didn't really care that I was promoted, I mean it's not like I'm going to be staying in Assiah forever.

"To celebrate I'm treating you all to a feast." Mephisto coolly adds. I couldn't help myself perking up at this point, I could really do with a good meal round about now. Subconsciously I had joined the group of drooling students at the thought of a free meal.

"Who's hungry for monja??" Mephisto asks us. Instantly we all change to disappointed looks.

"monja?" Sugaro asks, checking to see if we all heard right, Mephisto just carries on grinning like a fool.

"But barbeque is way better..." Rin pouts

"Why does he have to be such a cheapskate?" I mumble, kind of annoyed with myself for thinking that he wouldn't get us anything weird for once.

"Come on kiddies!" Mephisto cheers, pulling out the key to where I assume leads to the monja place. We all follow behind, dragging our feet disappointedly. We exit the classroom into the monja shop through their supply cupboard.

We all sit down around the large cooker table, I sat across from Rin and next to Sugaro. Mephisto and Yukio decide to stand outside of the shop while the monja was cooking. Everyone started to add the ingredients onto the cooker, knowing exactly what they were doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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