chapter 8

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Oh my god! Look at this! I’ve uploaded! Guess that means I haven’t vanished off the face of the planet… I’m really sorry for the slow updates, I’m really trying to balance this stuff and my school work. Anyway! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Just a warning, keep an eye out for where the POV’s change, they change quite a lot in this chapter :)


Kurai’s POV

So you remember how I summoned Akki after he had specifically told me not to? Well he got his payback last night.

I am a girl who thoroughly enjoys her sleep, knowing this Akki took advantage of his knowledge and made sure that every time I was falling asleep he jumped on me to make sure that I didn’t get a wink of sleep. So naturally, I’m not in the best of moods this morning.


3rd person


Kurai drowsily gets her uniform on, accidentally buttoning up her shirt unevenly. Luckily she only had cram school today but that was still hours she didn’t want to spend out of her bed.

After barely getting dressed she went down stairs for breakfast. She settles down at a table with food laid out on it and slowly begins to eat her food.

The culprit of the source to Kurai’s bad mood entered the room and sat opposite to her. Kurai slowly looks up at Akki who’s smirking at his night’s work

“you’re one sick Bastard” Kurai glares. Akki just laughs at her, feeling even more proud of himself now. Kurai’s glare intensifies. She then smirks as an idea for payback pops into her mind.

She raises her index finger with a single flame on it. Akki’s smirk disappears as he suspiciously looks at Kurai, eyeing her carefully. Kurai takes in a deep breath followed by her letting it all out in a sharp blow. The flame is instantly amplified and shot right at Akki. Unable to dodge it in time, the flame enveloped his upper body. Kurai distinguishes the flames revealing an unimpressed Akki. His entire upper body was cinged and covered in soot with his hair burnt backwards, away from his face.

Kurai can’t help but laugh at her familiar. Akki lets out a sigh but instead of him exhaling air, its smoke. Kurai laughs even harder.

“ha ha, very funny” Akki sarcastically remarks

“now I hope you realise that I am the Master and you are the familiar, it’s about time for you to finally get that through your head.” Kurai’s voice lowers, showing all signs of seriousness. She swiftly gets up from the table, leaving Aki to his thoughts. Akki just slumps in his chair thinking about his recent actions.

Shiemi’s POV

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