2am Life tho.........

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What is life?
T'was nine in the afternoon. (Kill meh ples)

Do I like Pewd's beard? Maybe.
Are reactors the cancer of YouTube? Yes. Except H3H3, that's a different story.
Do I hate drama? Yes.
Is Brendon's vocal range higher than my grades ever will be? Yes, true indeed.
Do I hate school including stu[dying]? Yes.
Am I white? How'd you know?
Do I like YouTubers that roast? Kinda.
Does watching YouTubers that roast boost my self esteem? Maybe.
Do I still ship ryden? Yes, fuck you if you don't. Oh my, now I'm gonna wash my mouth with soap.


Brallon? Sure.
American Horror Story? Yeah. Hehehe.
Walking dead. Yes, yes.
Am I mad as rabbits (sorry) and think that it's Pretty.odd. (Don't kill me, ples) That Ryan doesn't produce music anymore?
FOB? Fuck me.
P!ATD? Fuck me and cry.
Bring me to the horizon? Fuck me.
TØP? Fuck me.
Monsters and the men? Fuck me.
MCR? Cry.
Josh DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn DUn


I'm sorry

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