Lacey came out wearing a strapless short blue dress. She wore a fake sapphire necklace and some blue heels.

Faye looked at us wearing a short black dress with two half inch straps. She wore black heels and a gold necklace to match.

"Come on out, go take a look." Faye smirked.

Lacey and I walked over to the mirror and our jaws dropped when we saw our reflection.

"Dang, Faye! I look hot!" Lacey smiled.

"I'm impressed." I grinned slightly.

"Of course you are, you look hot!"

"Seriously, you think so?" I asked pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

"Most definitely."

"You look great too."

"I always look hot! That's just who I am!" Faye winked.

"Okay, Faye, you should do my makeup on the way back to Blackwell Universal and we can take down these bastards."

"Trent Johnson won't know what hit him!" Faye smiled.

We left the mall and the way up felt slow and long. When we finally made it, we all stepped out of the car and we're back across the street from the Office Complex.

"Where's Brianna and Brody? They should be here by now, you don't think someone caught them, do you?" Faye shook.

"They're fine, Faye. They are just searching the perimeter of the building. They should be here any minute. They haven't done anything illegal."


"Look, here they come!" I said glancing at Brianna and Brody walking towards us "Find any sort of back door?"

"Yes. It's locked up super tight, but there's an access panel we could tamper with." Brianna whispered.

"We were very careful not to trace anyone back to us." Brody added.

"Once we get inside, we have to be prepared for the worst. Lacey, Faye, and I will have to get pass the entry guards, get Trent Johnson alone with the three of us, and take him out. He can't have time to react. When we are all inside, we will split up. The four of you head to the animal lab, I'm going for the morgue."

"Got it!" Lacey said confidently.

"So next, where is Johnson?" I asked.

"He should be down at the club getting some more girls. That's my best guess." Brody stated firmly.

"Okay, Lacey and Faye, let's go give Trent Johnson a visit."

"Sounds great!" Faye smirked.

We hurried down the street and entered the club.

"The office is right down the road, we can walk on over and the penthouse up there has quite the view."

"I'm not sure, I'm with my friends." The girl blushed.

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