Chapter 26 - Penalty

Start from the beginning

Nora smiles at me, in that comforting way that makes me feel so reassured.

"Maybe for the first time, boy problems are better and easier to deal with than all your other problems."

I sigh, understanding what she means but not able to make a decision right now. Maybe I shouldn't feel so conflicted and just relax. Will didn't look troubled or anxious at all, and it's lame that I'm the only one like this. Maybe I should act as if nothing too and just go with the flow. Overthinking is always bad.

Nora is right about one thing, of that I'm sure: I have a lot of problems going on. Do I need to get so stressed over Will? I doubt it.

I really think I need to relax.

❅ ❅ ❅

I certainly did not expect waking up to a light shaking of my shoulders, or the whispering calling my name. I try opening my eyes, but with the few hours of sleep I manage to get, these burn and weight way too much. It takes me a lot of effort to open them and look up front, but the moment I get the person in front of me into focus, I also scream, and for certain I can say I'm full awake.

"Time to wake up, Princess," he says with a smile. "We have a penalty to pay and breakfast to make."

"Wh-what time is it?" I ask, pulling the covers a bit higher so I can cover my face and mouth. It's not nice or considerate to show anyone else what a few hours of sleep do to you. And I don't mean beauty sleep, I mean pillow creases, bird nest hair and morning breath.

"Seven in the morning. But the youngest kids wake up quite early so I can't let you sleep in."

I try to hide a bit more, cuddling a bit closer to Nora. She reacts instinctively, wrapping and arm and leg around me, snuggling closer. Will is watching us and the smile he was wearing becomes a bit tense and the amusement fades away.

"Fine, fine," I whisper. "But wait outside. I'll be out in a few minutes."

He nods, taking one last glance at us in the bed and then rising to his feet and leaving the room. I take a few more moments to accept the idea I have to leave the warm bed and my best friend's cuddles. Nora is just so comfortable, or maybe it's because we're best friends we know exactly how to fit each other.

I leave the bed, carefully not to wake Nora up, and go pick my clothes before heading to the bathroom. It's a really cold morning, so I dress up warningly and once I'm ready, or at least decent enough, I head out. I scold myself when I think of doing something with my hair or even applying some makeup. I'm sure that if I did, Will would tease me and say I'm dolling up for him. So no, I just wash up, brush my teeth and hair and apply lotion to my face.

I insist, pride gets in your way most of the time.

I find Will downstairs, and this time he smiles when I join him and walk with him to the door, but before going out, he grabs my coat that's hanging there and helps in get in. I'm surprised he's doing that, but it gets worse when he takes off his own scarf and wraps it around me, carefully, gently.

"It's really cold outside today," he whispers, smiling sweetly, still holding the ends of the scarf. I look up at him, my heart racing as fast as I blink.

"Th-thanks," I mumble, wanting to scold myself for sounding like that, so nervous, even if that makes him smile brighter.

"Let's go then," he declares, turning on his heels and opening the door.

I take a deep breath and follow him, reminding myself I have to act natural. If he's acting like nothing happened, then I can do the same. If he wants to talk about it or something the like, then we talk about it. If not, then we carry on just as we have so far. It gives me less anxiety considering what happened as a closed chapter.

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