Chapter 1 - Businesspeople

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I tap my fingers to the rhythm of Twenty-three by IU, slightly bouncing my head as I try to sing along, but fail. I curl my toes, dying to get off these shoes that are killing me. I shouldn't have worn such high heels, but they were so pretty to refuse. My best friend, Nora, told me I should've picked a more comfortable pair, but I didn't listen. It's when I make bad choices like this that I hate how stubborn I can be. I should always listen to Nora, I know better by now, she's the voice of reason in our relationship, but I'm just a little piece of shit.

I can't wait to be home, take off these shoes and just lie in my bed, massaging my cheeks after so much smiling. However, this has to wait as I have to drop by the office to inform how the charity event went, and to pick up Nora, who's with Louise, her mother.

When my dad was still alive, Louise was his secretary and right hand. He trusted her better than his own advisors, and for everything he needed, Louise was the one in charge. This is how Nora and I got to meet, even if she's one year younger than me. Since we were little kids we've been best friends, almost like sisters, always doing everything together. Since we were kids we've wanted to work together and be like our parents, working side by side and trusting each other, knowing there's someone you can rely on. It certainly eases my anxiety knowing that eventually Nora will fill Louise's shoes and be by my side when I become the president of the company.

A big sigh escapes my lips when I think of that. I wish it didn't have to happen so soon and I had a few more years to enjoy my youth and freedom, but above all, I wish he were still with me, being my father. It's been so lonely without him for the past year. He might have been the biggest entrepreneur in the whole UK but he was my father first. The world might have lost a bright mind and great businessman, but I lost the man who always put me first and taught me the most important lessons in life. It was my father who, despite pampering me, kept me with my feet on the ground.

He's gone now, leaving me with my stepmother only. I've thought about actually going to Mamá back in Chile, but we're not that close and I already have my life here, and responsibilities. Even if I could push things for a few more years until I feel ready and can actually take over the business, the mere thought of leaving Laura, my stepmother, in charge of everything until then gives me chills.

It's not because she will ruin everything, although she is less prepared than I am, but still she's doing quite well until now. What makes me gag about her being the one in charge is that she's just hungry for money. The fact she only married father, deceived him and all that, makes me sick to the stomach. But maybe she didn't totally deceive father, maybe only to the point he allowed it, because he still didn't give her power over the company.

I wasn't really partial to her before, but I really decided not to let her sit on my father's chair after the will was read.

I followed her the day after the lawyer informed us the terms and conditions my father had left, I did it because she looked upset and I thought it was because we were all struggling with my dad's passing away. I wanted to comfort her and tell her things would be okay, that we had to bear with the formalities and such. Instead of her crying or grieving, I found her throwing everything on her dresser to the floor in a fit of rage. I was so shocked I couldn't even move, I just saw her screaming and cursing my father.

Her words are still fresh in my head as if it had happened yesterday and not like almost a year ago.

"You decrepit dimwit! How dare you treat me like this? I didn't bear with you for all this time for you to leave me with five percent. I hope you're rotting in hell, you piece of horseshit!"

She was always so soft-spoken and sweet to him, almost kissing the ground he stepped on. I know now it was just an act and I don't like people with two extremely different sides. I don't like people who use the people I love.

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