5 years Later

40 5 1

Directions for collage⬆
1st box. Your outfit
2nd Box. ➡Yn after 5 yrs
3rd Box.  ⬇Aiyana
4th box.⬅My car 🎆
5th Box.⬇Prod house
Last Box ➡Your houseee

♛To give you a visual picture♕


Yn:(Asleep,tossin and turnin)

(Yn's Dream )

5 years ago



Ray:Don't be like that bae

Yn:I'm Rocs bae!!(distant vision) (shoves him and tries to run)

Ray:Don't be like that (grabs you a pushes you against the door)

Making your head slam against it

You start crying

Vision moves to Tyler's room

Tyler:You prolly wanted that shit for attention like you always did ever since we we're kids when the spotlight wasn't on you.Me and prince we're dancing everybody was watching you got jealous and you and ray mad up a plan.

Yn:How dare youuu How fuckinn dare yoouu I hate you I hate you don't you everrrr talk to me againnnnnn  Your so lucky you got a baby in you hoe so lucky.

(Vision Blurrss)

(Vision becomes clear )

(Roc getting arrested)



Yn:Its okay Roc we are going to get through this

Roc:I'm sorry this happens to you I couldn't resist I hate seeing you hurt.

Yn:Its okay my Knight and Shining armour (kisses him )

Policemen :Alright Mr.August you  have to go now.

Roc:I love you Yn

Yn:I love you too (tears streaming )

Roc:Promise you would wait for me (being taken away)

Yn:(crying in Prods chest)

Yn:(wakes up Crying)
IT:Pull through Roc You will.always have a place in my heart (wipes tear)

5 mins later

(Prod in his basketball shirts cooking chicken and waffles)

Yn:Ooo this smells good

Prod:(jumps)Damn gal wanna give me heart attack nuh (Jamaican acent)

Yn:(bust out laughing )You not  even Jamaican you dutty pic 'ne

Prod:Neverrrrr I'm sesssyy

Yn:Nah I'm sexy as hell

Prod:You Damn right (picks you up wedding style)

Yn:(kisses him)

Prod:(kissing back)

Yn:Ewww haven't brushed my teeth yet.

Prod:I don't care(puckers his lips)


Prod:Oh yeah I forgot to tell you

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