Chapter Twelve - Values

Start from the beginning

"Here." Mayuzumi said, holding a box out to me. The two of us are on the rooftop of our household; getting away from the party. "What's this?" I asked, the boy shaking his head. I laughed, unwrapping his pretty wrapping job and taking a look at the jewelry box. "I know that we've just started this, but I think its necessary." He told me, me opening it to find a diamond ring. It. Is. Beautiful. "Mayu-Chan." I said, looking at the beautiful piece, him taking it from the box and taking my left hand in his. "Don't tell anyone I did this." He said, leaning forwards and kissing the side of my head. His face blushed red and at this moment: he was the cutest thing in the world. "Is it not gang material to be affectionate?" I asked, snuggling to his side. "I guess I can let it pass since we are alone." He replied, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I held him around the middle and let him just hold me. . . Thinking that I am growing fonder of him by the day.

"Kise I can't today." I replied, on my way to the main hall where everyone is waiting. I am already late because of Kaijo's basketball practice and now the blond wants to play with the other Generation of Miracles. "Akashiichi has been in a really bad mood and only you can calm him down." "If I finish this meeting in time then I'll come play for a bit, okay?" I said, trying to just get him to leave me alone for the now. "Fine~~ But don't you forget!" He exclaimed, hanging up on his end. I sighed, I haven't seen Akashi for a while now. He's been avoiding my calls and emails. He knows about Mayuzumi too. . . I feel so guilty about the whole situation. . . But for the now. . . I will keep my feelings for him pushed to the side. I can't have anything other than Mayu-Chan in my heart right now. "The cat calling you?" Akito asked, the rest of my team walking around with me as we headed towards the building to the far east of our property. It is right at the edge, far from the main house. We don't want to give our property location away, even to allies. "Yes. However, I can't think too much about that right now." I replied, sliding into the bushes to the left and taking a hidden path. "Hm~ You guys have a game soon though right?" Leif asked, me shaking my head. "Not for another few months. We lost. . . So we are waiting for winter cup. It's just training." "I think it's good. We need you right now more than ever." Haru said, leading me through the brush. I twisted the ring around my finger and sighed, seeing the building in sight now. "The ring Mayu-Sama bought you is beautiful." Yuui said, me looking over my shoulder at her who is following behind me. "I thought so too." "I think you and Mayuzumi-Sama are well suited." Ashe said, me smiling to myself. "They say one cannot understand love until they have had more than one. I am open to Chihiro's and my relationship, even if it was brought together by unfavorable means." I waved to Fade, him spotting us and motioning for us to come in. "Mostly everyone is here." He told me, me nodding and heading in; hearing the voices already. "You ready?" Akito asked, his hand on my shoulder. "I will be fine. You all ready?" I repeated, everyone nodding. I had opted to bring Rogue and Jack along, even though they could be a liability. I thought they had the right to know how deep in we are, since they are fighting on our side after all. As soon as I walked in, every leader stood bowing deeply to me. Yosei has already made it, good. Mayuzumi's gang is already here, he stands behind his father who looks exactly like him. "Thank you." I said, moving to sit at the head of the table with my brother. My team stood around behind us with Shuugo's team, this being the same for everyone. I recognized most of these people from my childhood. Many of them looking to me in surprise at how much I have grown. I wear a traditional kimono for this meeting, essentially proving my position. There is only one other woman at the table who is a leader; Tora from the gang Nitori. Her father had died young and her mother died during childbirth. She was the only one fit for the crown. "Welcome." Shuugo greeted, just as the last gang slid into their seats. "It is nice to see everyone all in one place." Everyone nodded, seeming to be in a peaceful mood. . . at the moment. "We have come together today, to discuss a plan of action against the Yodai clan. Their plan of attack is early November when snow begins to fall. They believe they will have the advantage of attacking in the cold. However, we will not be swayed. This alliance here, is the strongest. We will be victorious." "I agree. It is time we wiped their clan. All of it." Leader Rei from Kyotai said. "Their clan has been hazardous from the start. Most criminal activity comes from their gang alone. They influence negatively upon our communities. Those allied with him are fated to perish as well." Theo spoke up, his son nodding behind him. "I'd like to have us all conduct in a group practice two days from now at Heaven's field. A three day trip for everyone. Any conflicts?" Shuugo asked, no one disagreeing. If there were, they'll push it. We need to know how to deal with each other and how to work as one. For the next few months, we are a team and will have to learn to protect each other. Of course, we are not responsible for the deaths of other members; but we do need to be able to recognize each other. This will truly be, a very large event. "Chihiro-Sama." Both Mayuzumi and I looked over, the heads at the table smiling at our double look. "We would like to congratulate the two on your engagement." Theo said, his tone sincere. "Thank you Theo." I said, bowing my head slightly. I don't have to call the man by an honorific in this setting, since we are the stronger gang. "When will the wedding be?" "We plan for as close to the battle as possible." Mayuzumi's father said, answering this question for us. I believe his name is Kyota. I haven't greeted his family formally yet. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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