But I'm Not Alone (Luke Illingworth(Sequel to The Reckless Heroes Of Our Fear))

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Right so I started writing a new fvk fic that ended up being linked to my first two. I wasnt sure if i should upload it but i will upload a preview, if you like it I might put one of my other fics (I Cant Hear The Voice Of Reason Anymore/ The Freaks and Their Adventures With FVK) on hold or try and work on all three but if I did work on all three then i wouldnt be able to promise regular updates (not like i do anyway but still) i already have 3 (almost 4) chapters of this written. 

So let me know what you think I should do ^.^ Wooly

But I'm Not Alone (Luke Illingworth(Sequel to The Reckless Heroes Of Our Fear))Where stories live. Discover now