The Zodiac Signs As Potatoes

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Aries: French fries (McDonalds are pretty damn good, let's be honest)

Taurus: Potato soup

Gemini: Potato chips (tacobell199816 hahahaha)

Cancer: Mashed potatoes

Leo: Hash browns

Virgo: Waffle fries

Libra: Potato salad

Scorpio: Tater tots

Sagittarius: Cheese fries

Capricorn: Baked potato (Ryan-Smith09 )

Aquarius: Hot potato

Pisces: Loaded potatoes

I hope you all liked this chapter.
Why I did this, was because I was thinking of something, and that reminded me zodiacs, and that reminded me I needed to update, and my friend jacobisanimrontic were fucking around, and I randomly said "POTATOES!!!!" so I googled "the zodiac signs as potatoes" and I saved the first one, and put it above, then copied it below.


Thank you all.

Love your sign, and f v ( |< the haters.

Zodiac Signs And Scenarios Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt