The Zodiac Signs And Their Hogwarts House

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Aries: Gryffindor

Taurus: Gryffindor

Gemini: Hufflepuff ( tacobell199816 omg :0 you bought the mug yesterday, and today I found this!)

Cancer: Ravenclaw

Leo: Slytherin

Virgo: Ravenclaw

Libra: Hufflepuff

Scorpio: Hufflepuff

Sagittarius: Ravenclaw

Capricorn: Slytherin

Aquarius: Slytherin (I totally figured they'd be in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor)

Pisces: Gryffindor (are all secretly Hufflepuffs though XD jk)

Okay, if you guys are wondering, my sister, tacobell199816 just got back from Europe. She saw Kings Cross Station, (sic right? Didn't see 9 3/4 tho :/ )and while she was in London, she bought a Hufflepuff coffee mug. It's badass, by the way.

My question: Have any of you ever been to King's Cross Station before? Please comment your answer, if you feel comfortable doing so.

My answer: No, but hopefully in 3 years, if my school fundraiser for the same trip my sister only hours ago returned from.

Love your sign, and f v ( |< the haters.

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