Chapter 11. No.

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Elizabeths POV

“NO!” Slendy yelled

“ I don’t see why not! They are family after all!” I responded.

It had only been a few weeks since Slendy had explained to me all about his brothers. And I wanted to meet them. So I wanted him to invite them over. After all, if I was going to be with Slendy for all of eternity, id have to meet them sooner or later.

“ NO!” he growled and left the room and headed for the bedroom.

I followed him. “ Slendy please! Its only your brothers.Im curious. “  I pouted my lip and cocked my head to the side slightly “ pwwweeeeeaaaassseeeee????” I used my best innocent voice “ for me slendy?”

He looked away and sat on the bed. “ they are annoying, trust me you don’t want to meet them.”

I sighed. “ please?”

“ I said no. “ he growled and looked at me

I remembered how my appearance affected him and could cloud his mind. I grinned and walked over to stand in front of him. Then I kissed him hard and pushed him so he laid back onto the bed. I climbed on top of him and licked his tongue.

“ please? “ I breathed against his lips

His hands rested on the small of my back and pulled me closer to him.  “ Why??” he almost whimpered “ why would you put me through that?” he kissed me again and his hand drifted lower to cup my rear.

“ because I think you and me will be together for a long time..” I said innocently “ and im gonna meet them sooner or later so why not get it over with?” I unbuttoned his suit jacket  “ like a band aid…”

He sighed and sat up holding me in his lap. “fine..but only for ONE day. Understand?”

I smiled and kissed him on the lips “ of course love. “

He then slid me off of his lap and hung his head.

“ whats wrong?” I was concerned because the last time I saw him like this was after I bought the dress.

“ im trying to clear my head…I cant think straight after you tackling me like that.” He sighed

“ don’t clear your head…” I said and his head snapped up and looked at me curiously. I leaned in and kissed him softly against his lips “ in fact …. Lets see how cloudly your head can really get.” I breathed and placed my hand on his thigh.

“ Elizabeth…” he breathed and kissed me harder. He picked me up, not breaking the kiss, and laid me on the bed. I took off his suit jacket as he trailed kisses along my neck. I suppressed a moan as his hand drifted from my waist to cup my breast. Even through the fabric of my dress I could feel the warmth of his hand. His mouth had found its way back up to my lips and they were hungry. He kissed me hard and deep, letting our tongues dance together. I couldn’t get enough of him, I removed the tie from around his neck and began unbuttoning his shirt when he grabbed my hand to stop me.

“ Darling…we need to be patient…” he murmured..

Patient? For what?!!?!?

I sighed as he began re buttoning his shirt.  “ why do you tease me like that?” I blurted.

“ tease you?” he chuckled.

“ you do things like that and then you just stop. We never get any further and Slendy I want you more than anything. Why must we wait?”

Black as death, White as purity (Slenderman Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now