Chapter 8, Just One Touch...

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Elizabeths POV.

I stared at the minions dead body. Slendy was searching his bag for some clue as to why he was searching for me.

I know the minion tried to kill me, and he tried to kill Slendy…but…he had a family. Now his children will no longer have a father. His wife will no longer have a husband. I laid a small flower I had found on his body. “Im sorry” I whispered.

I felt soft white hands lay on my shoulders. “ darling? Are you alright?” Slendy asked

“ yes… I just…” I felt my heart grow heavy “ its just… he had a know?” I hung my head

“a family?” Slendy asked. “ he had children?”

“ yes, two children and his wife.” I mumbled.

Slendy didn’t say anymore after that. He just patted my head and held me for a moment. We both gave silence to the dead minion. In my mind I secretly wished the best for his family.

Finally after a few moments, I stood up and Slendy stood with me. Our fingers intertwined, but this time his were not longer than mine. They fit perfectly.

“ Darling, you realize that they will eventually send someone else after us….We did kill a minion…” he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

 I laughed “ no….” I pointed my black fingernail at his chest “ YOU killed a minion”

He chuckled and kisses my forehead. “ but you made me do it.”

I looked at him confused, “ I never told you to kill him…” 

“ you never told me to, but do you honestly think I could bear to watch you suffer? Every time you got hurt it hurt me. Darling… you made me do it. Just like you made me fall in love with you..” Slendy smiled at me and I held his cheek. I kissed him gently and then hugged him tight. He pulled back to look at me and said, “ wait here.”  Then he was gone.

I sat on the forest ground patiently waiting. My mind drifted back to the minions family. Not because I felt guilty, but because I wondered if the reason slendy didn’t have a family was that Slendermen couldn’t reproduce. The thought of me and Slendy in a bed together crept into my mind. Him kissing me all over and touching me leaving my skin burning under his touch.

I quickly shook my head to get the idea out. I didn’t want to think of that right now. As soon as I started thinking about the chipmunk that had run past a tree, Slendy popped up again. I stood up and walked to him.

“ darling are you alright?” he asked worried.

“ of course I am. Why would you ask?” I was confused. Did something look wrong?

“ your cheeks are really red…” he brushed his fingers along my cheek bone.

God dammit… I thought. It must have been from the brief thought of me and Slendy….kissing each other and..him..and his body pressed against mine..i wonder what he looked like under that suit…

NO! Stop it!

I shook my head again and Slendy looked at me confused. My voice cracked when I said “ I was just thinking about you” I smiled a little. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either.

He just smiled and me and kissed my cheek. “ I have a surprise for you darling.” He held my hand and teleported to a clearing. There was a river nearby and a small cottage. The grass shone in the bright sunlight and wildflowers grew but the river. The rivers water was so clear and smooth it was almost unbelievable.

“ couple that used to own this cottage hasn’t been around in 6 years. Im sure they wouldn’t mind if we borrowed it. “ Slendy was still holding my hand tightly.

Me and Him? Living together…like a A smile lit up my face at the thought of me and him having such a nice quaint life.

“ I love it…” I said

Slendy smiled and picked me up in his arms. He walked me through the door way of the cabin. The cabin had two bedrooms, one was the master bedroom and the other had been converted into a man cave. The kitchen was large but not as large as the living room, which had a small fireplace against the wall.

“ could we have a life here?” I asked

“ only if you want to, as long as im with you I have everything ive ever wanted.” He held me close.

“ what about…..” I gulped “ a family… did you want that?”

“ of course when I was younger I wanted a family. Every child wants a family. “ He looked puzzled at me for a moment. “your face is red again…”

I covered my face and he let me to the bedroom, he set me on the bed and removed my hands from my face. “ darling, somethings bothering you….i know it. Tell me what it is” he brushed his fingers across my cheek.

“ I just…uh “ I stammered to find the right words. “ I have a question.” Yeah.. a question, he’ll buy that.

“ ask me anything.” He smiled at me.

I fiddled with my hands and stared at the ground. “ can….Slendermen…um” my voice shook slightly “ can they…like…reproduce?” I froze to see his reaction. His face turned a bright red and he burst out laughing. I pouted, “ I don’t see how that’s funny…” I mumbled.

He chuckled “ THAT’S what was bothering you? “ he pulled me onto his lap and manged to control his laughter. “ yes, Slendermen can reproduce. They call it mating, like we are animals. Normally two slendermen, one male and one female, mate. Then they go their separate ways, the mother gives birth and takes care of the child until it is taught to hunt, then she abandons her young to either go mate again of just live her eternal life hunting and what not. “ he paused for a moment “ is that what you meant by me wanting a family? Is if I wanted to have a child with you?”

“well I don’t know about THAT but I just ment the…um…process…of..” I couldn’t finish the sentence. “ wanna go watch a movie?” I asked trying to change the subject.

He pulled my chin up to look at him. “ you want to know if I want you in bed? If im attracted to you sexually?”

 I didn’t say anything I just looked at him and nodded slowly.

Surprisingly he just kissed me, but not in the slow gentle way like he had before. This time he was eager and passionate. His hands ran down my back and held my waist. He pulled me closer to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then very slowly, I felt his tongue trace my lip. The taste of him was so sweet I lost my breath. I wanted more, my body heated up in his arms and I knew he could feel it. He broke the kiss and kissed down my cheek to my neck, which was a place I loved to be kissed. He glided his tongue down my neck and I moaned slightly, gripping his shoulders.

Then just like that. He stopped.

He held my face and said “ does that answer your question?” his voice thick with lust. His breath was the same as mine, quick and heavy. “ now…” he breathed “ lets go watch that movie..”

He picked me up and carried me into the living room, he chose a movie but I didn’t catch the title. I was still thinking about the way his mouth felt….the way his tongue felt. I couldn’t calm myself until the movie was halfway through. And based on his breathing, I don’t think he managed to calm down either..

Sorry for such a short chapter guys. Im  going on a camping trip and wont be back for a few days. Ill be sure to write my new chapter as soon as i get back :) 

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