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Kaesolin POV

I woke up from the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I reluctantly got up from my warm comfy bed and brushed my teeth, took a shower and got ready. Same routine every school day, after a nice warm steamy shower, I put on a tank top and a pair of harem pants. Everyone thinks I don't dance and that I'm a poser, because I was such a nerd.. but it's not what's true. I love dancing. After putting on my clothes, I did my makeup, foundation, gold eyeshadow, and winged eyeliner on fleek. Then I did my eyebrows. I let my hair fall down to my shoulders. I had brown hair that wasn't too long but wasn't too short. After that I wore a black beanie and wore some lens less glasses. I cooked up a bowl of ramen and ate it. Checked my phone to receive one new message from Bestrfriend-Anlee

Hey Kaesolin! Are you ready to go to school?
Yeah, I'm eating right now
Ah, I can't wait to see Hanbin!!
Wow, you can't wait to see the guy in a group that bullies me? Wow thanks.
He's just really cute, okay? I secretly still ship you and Jiwon!
Hell no! Whatever. I'll see you at school
Bye! :)

After finishing my delicious instant noodles, I grabbed my keys and drove to school. My high school wasn't the brightest of all, but it was a reasonable school. I liked the environment there, it's very contemporary, but the kids there are mean. Especially Jiwon or a.k.a Bobby, and Ikon. Well I mean ikon doesn't pick on me, but oh well. I don't get why he keeps bullying me.. Like he isn't even the leader of the of the group. AnLee's boy, B.I or Hanbin is the leader. Wait they're not dating, why did I say her boy? I don't know, oh well. As I was driving, I saw all the pretty birds and all the pretty flowers. It was almost summer. Finally. I finally drove into the school's parking lot and then stopped my car, parked it, and got out of my car, and grabbed my stuff, and locked my car.
"Hey"! I said to Annlee who was just walking toward me
"Hey" she said
"You're coming to the studio with me on tonight, right?" I asked
"Yeah, I'll always come"! She said
"I actually really want to do the choreography freestyle to ikon's anthem" I said
"Okay cool, I'll record and we can do the editing tomorrow and post it"! She said
"Sounds good to me, let's go" I said
With that, Anlee and I went into the school. In the hallways were filled couples holding hands, cliches and popular girls squealing at boys. Then iKon came into the hallways and all of the girls started screaming even more. I rolled my eyes when they came in and went the opposite direction to where ikon was heading.




After the bell rang, it was time to head to class. Great. I love going to class with Bobby. It's the greatest thing on earth. -.-

"Okay guys, so today is the first day of trimester three, which means new seats"! The teacher announced.
Great finally! I thought to myself, I could not handle sitting next to Jiwon. Finally!!

"Kim Jiwon" the teacher said and pointed at the back seat, and with that Jiwon went to the back seat.
"In front of him will be..." The teacher said
Please not me
"Lee Kaesolin" she said
Fuckkk great...

"By the way, Kaesolin, you and Jiwon will now be staying after school for tutoring. You will be tutoring Jiwon after school" the teacher said
"But... Teacher, I.." I exclaimed
"No buts. It's made. Final." The teacher announced
I sighed and sat in front of Jiwon. And he smirked.
"Hey nerd" Jiwon said
I rolled my eyes

The class started after the teacher gave out the seats. Science. I laughed at myself. Jiwon, failing this class, why am I not surprised? Science was pretty easy for me. But adding Kim Jiwon to my list was just... Not OK. I mean I like him more than just a friend, but he bullies me.. So I'm not sure.. I have mixed feelings about this..



"Anlee! I'm going to be a little late to the studio tonight, so leave your house at 7:00 PM, arasso?" I told Anlee
"Oh okay. Wait why are you going to be late?" She asked
"Science teacher told me that I have to stay after school and tutor fucking Jiwon". I exclaimed
"Damn.... That's good!! My one true pair are hanging after school"! She said and I punched her shoulder playfully
"Shut the fuck up"! I said laughing

With that I grabbed my lunch and began eating.


After school-

I started making my way to my locker and grabbed my books and headed to the breakout room where I will be tutoring Jiwon. Suddenly..
I got tripped
"Hey nerd" Jiwon said
Damn it. He tripped me. I got up and just continued going into the breakout room and he followed. And then he closed the door. He sat down across from me and looked at me.
"You can't even say "hi""? He said
"So how was your day" he asked
And with that I got so angry, I packed my stuff and ,are my way to the door, but I was stopped by his hand yanking my wrist.
"Where are you going"? He asked
"I'm here to tutor you, not have a conversation. If you don't want to get tutored, I'm going to the studio."
"Studio.. Hmm. Okay, I'm sorry, please tutor me" he said
And with that, I took my books back out and slammed it on the table, right in front of Jiwon.
"Stop acting like a bitch" he said
"Stop acting like an asshole to me, then" I said
I sat down next to him, and opened the book.
I got up and started writing equations.
"What the fuck"... He slowly said
"You will need to remember all of these equations for the upcoming test."
"Okay" he said and sat there blankly
"Well, what are you doing?! Write this shit down"! I said
And with that he wrote everything down.
He actually gets some of this stuff down..
After a good two hours..



Off to the studio!

Author's note
Hey guys sorry this was so late! Please vote and comment!

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