Swagger Part 9

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Swagger Part 9

I sighed as I looked in the stands Tremaine said he would be here damn it. Today was one of the biggest days of my life we were running against Nortra Dame a school who was on the rise and their biggest track star Anna-Kay who had just been fresh out from Jamaica was my biggest rival. I sighed as I placed my hair in a tight ponytail. Track season had officially started and with the biggest premier division meet ever .I looked at my other rivals though they were good they weren't like me. I was going to kick ass today. I looked over into the stands were my little section was. Avah was decked out in full Lincoln colors sporting my name on each side. I smiled at Chris he went all out for me from head to toe he was in Tashell gear. Though no one could pull burgundy off he did it justice.

I looked at the stands searching for Tremaine but I couldn't locate him. I walked around the track trying to shake my nerves. Though I was sure I was going to win it would help if I had the full support from the people I loved.

"Tashell right" Anna-Kay came over to me clad in her Nortra warm up.

"Yeah Anna-Kay"

"Good luck" she told me as she smiled though we were rivals she was better a better supporter than my team mate Celiexe.

"Same to you" I told her and continued walking around the track. The meet wouldn't officially start until all the 100 m boys and girls took the field. I walked over to Chris and Avah.

"Nervous?" Chris asked me jumping over the barrier.

"You think" I told him.

"Don't be girl you gone kick ass" he grabbed me into a hug. I looked at him he was such a traitor to J.P taravella a school only 3 miles away from mines. But I wouldn't blame him their tracked sucked big time shit.

''Girl all these bitches out here finally get to eat your dust" Avah hugged me as she stood up in the stands looking at everyone.

"Good luck mamma and remember no matter what I got your back win or lose you still my number one" I smiled at him and grabbed him in a hug.

"Thank you" I looked at him he had even ditched school to stay with me the whole day before this meet I couldn't thank him enough. Though I was happy to see him here I wanted Tremaine damn it he told me he wouldn't miss this shit for the world.

I tied my laces and stretched in less than 10 seconds I would be beating my own record. I looked at Anna-Kay who was stretching this was her debut to show the scouts what she was made of. I looked in the stands once again and I saw no signs of Tremaine. But I did see Dawann and Chey waving like two idiots at me. I waved back and stretched my arms.

"No pressure'' I reminded my self shaking my hands.

"On your mark get set - "I didn't even remember the buzzer going off but I took that fucking track like I was being chased by the damn mafia or some shit. The only thing I remember is Anna-Kay tagging behind me. I reached the finish line and looked up as my school went into a ruckus. I looked at my time 8.98 I was jumping like and idiot as my team grabbed me yet again I took my damn title home. I sighed when I got a breather. I had to do this shit two more time before it was a full victory I had a 200 m and 400 m all in which I ran with Anna-Kay.

I grabbed my duffle bag as everyone was packing up to leave. Today I made damn history I had kicked my rivals ass in all the races I took part in.

"Good run" Anna-Kay waved at me I smiled as I grabbed my trophy from the table yet another one to add to my collection.

"I can't believe this shit these people are fucking insane" Avah screamed this was her first Track meet ever. Out here track was like the equivalent of football. Lincoln and Nortra were the biggest rivals ever and for me to send their star home with second place I did my school justice. "I mean look at some people coming out here coloring their damn bodies in burgundy and silver. Shit Tashell this was like amazing the crowd was so hype. I mean I almost had a heart attack shit" she held her heart. She was so excited at the patriotism she just rambled on and on.

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