Swagger part 6

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Swagger part 6

I sighed as the woman stood there with the black condom wrapper in hand.

"Who's is this?" she asked me twirling the empty wrapper in hand.

"It isn't mine" I told her for the second time since she had been going down my throat. I couldn't even get my own boyfriend to break me off so a condom ending up in bathroom garbage was highly unlikely .I knew who the condom belonged to it was Dawaan's but of course Ms.Holier than thou would never accuse her o so perfect son of disrespecting her home.

"You know what Tashell I should be glad you even using a condom" she scoffed at me " You may be telling the honest truth but I swear Tashell if I ever catch you in the act of having sex in my home you will be ass out for good believe that " she spat at me .I didn't even pay her any mind " You little nasty " she threw over her shoulder. I just ignored her and went upstairs and got started on my English home work.

I was typing away furiously on my computer the woman had the magic to just make you so damn upset ruin your whole day and knock you off your high. My cell phone rung and I just ignored it. I knew it was Tremaine but I couldn't take him on right now.

"Ya'll are so damn nasty" I spat at Dawann and Chey.

"What?" he asked me.

"Do me a favour the next time you two feel like fucking like rabbits do it some where else and not in my space and certainly not in my damn bathroom. And throw your damn wrapper some where else because that shit is just nasty. I don't like being accused of something I didn't do "

"Whatever" Dawann answered pulling at Chey's arm. She seemed so embarrassed by it all .I didn't even acknowledge her for the simply fact that she and I weren't even that much of friends anymore lately I had been clinging to my new friend Avah who was so down for me. She was from New York and was so guttah. Unlike Chey she had the same views I did about the hood and certain people and for that alone I liked her.

"I don't want you back in here damn it you too Chey .I would never do something like that to you and you have the audacity to let this mongrel fuck you in my damn space. "

"Sorry " she told me

"And tell your bitch of a mother Dawann to stop accusing me of shit I haven't done. You need to man up to her instead of making me take all the damn blame for things I did not do. I swear I hate you Dawann I wish you were never born you should have choked and died when we were birthed. Matter of fact I wish you weren't conceived at all with me. "So I was sounding like a bitch but you guys just don't understand how it feels to be hated or how a studded leather belt feels on your bare skin.

It was ever since birth this woman hated me and preferred Dawann. I was the one who almost killed him because my cord was wrapped around his neck. And for the simple fact doctors saved me almost killing him she held a grudge for eternity. You see she got pregnant at 15 and didn't want no bitch [hence me] because she didn't want no problems like she had given her mother. I mean if you even look at our baby pictures it would be soul proof of my words. In all of them Dawann was always in her hand while I was just off to the side some where or in my fathers arms. Hurtful to know that your own mother didn't want you but it was the truth and I lived knowing that every single day. Dawann charged at me sending the fucking computer chair toppling with both of us to the floor. I tried to push him off me but his grip was so tight around my neck.

"Get of her" Chey screamed trying to pull him off me but he wouldn't let up.

"No I hate you I swear you always say some fucking hurtful things bitch" he called out letting me go and my head banged on the floor. I swiped his feet sending him landing into my bed end the chrome cause his head to bounce sending his body to the floor with a loud thud.

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