Chapter Two

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Once we saw the boat, we climbed aboard. Zach and Gray were in front of me, while Exon was behind me.

"How big is the island?" Gray asked Zach, who looked at the island and shrugged.

"Big." Zach said.

"But how many pounds?" Gray asked, causing me and Exon to chuckle slightly.

"That doesn't make any sense." Zach said.

We all stood next to each other on a top deck on the boat. I stood next to Gray, while he stood in between me and Exon, and Zach stood on the other side of Exon. I looked over at them, seeing Exon roll her eyes at Zach while he was staring down at his phone. I noticed he had dark circles under his eyes, like he hadn't slept in a while even though he was asleep on the plane, and he looked tired too. I'm not sure if it's because of his phone or what, but he looked like he needed to sleep.

"Dude tell your girlfriend to take a break with the texting. It's gonna make your phone all messed up if you don't let it rest for a while. Plus being hunched over like that all the time will cause early back and neck pains." I heard Exon say to Zach. He looked over at her, stared for a moment, then went back to his phone. Okay, so he was going to be antisocial throughout the entire time we were gonna be here. Lovely.

I saw Exon look back down below us and rest her arms on the railing, then I heard her scoff at something. I looked below us, but didn't see anything so I shrugged it off.

"When they first opened they had eight species, now they have fourteen herbivores and six carnivores. That's fifty tons of food a week." Gray said. I knew Exon and Zach weren't paying attention, so he was basically just talking to me.

"That's amazing. The original park opened about twenty years ago, right?" I asked, and Gray nodded.

"Yeah. I would have loved to see the original one, just for the fact that I wanted to meet the original owner of the park. Too bad he passed away a few years ago, I think, so someone else is in charge of the park.." Gray said.

"That is a shame.. But, at least now we can actually go to the park without worrying about everything turning into a disaster." I said, being optimistic and thinking on the positive side. Gray nodded, and we just looked out at the sea as we went closer to the island.


Once the boat docked Exon took my bag, even though I could have carried it easily myself, and  walked behind Zach and Gray toward the island. I noticed Gray and Zach stop, so I stopped beside Gray to see a dark headed lady holding a sign with their names on it. Exon was behind us, probably not paying attention, and she bumped into Zach's bag. He glanced behind him, but his head never moved so I don't think she noticed that he looked back at her and smirk a little. I looked over Gray, and noticed a disappointed look on his face.

"Where's Aunt Claire?" Gray asked Zach, but he seemed to ignore him and walk to the woman. Me and Exon decided to just walk on without them, but then I saw Owen a few yards away from us.

"Zach, Gray, we'll see you around okay? My cousin is waiting for us." Exon said, walking around the brothers and we headed over to our cousin. Once he saw us, he smiled. "Owen." Exon said, making him chuckle slightly.

"Owen! Pick me up, please!?" I yelled, and Owen complied and easily picked me up and swung me around a little. I was giggling loudly but I didn't care. It was nice to see Owen after such a long time. Once he placed me back on my feet, he looked over at Exon again.

"I see you weren't kidding when I asked you what color your hair was. Better hope the dinosaurs don't find it too distracting." He chuckled and Exon rolled her eyes but a smile still spread across her lips while I giggled again.

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