" True " was all she could say.


Kim P.O.V

Lately G has been pushing me away , and I wanted to know why , so I decided to make him a home cooked meal and see what was up with him.

I cooked baked chicken , Salmon , Broccoli and cheese , and a salad. I wanted to have a Intimate convocation with him , just to see how he felt about are Relationship. I heard his car door shut just as I was finishing up on the salad.

" baby ? !! " he yelled coming through the door.

I rushed out of the kitchen to greet my man.

" hey boo , what's up ? "

" shit , what's that smell it smell good as hell ? "

" I cooked for you " I smiled.

" wha ?? You cooked ? " he asked in a surprised tone.

" don't try to play me , just go change while I make your plate "

" aight ill be back "

20 minutes later we were sitting down having a romantic dinner until G said he had something to tell me. Right then and there I knew it wasn't something good.

" you know I love you right ? " he asked

" G get to the point "

" answer my question "

" you know I love you , why ask that ? "

" we'll I did some shit before we got together , and.....''

" And what ? "

" I may have gotten somebody pregnant " he Confessed.

" are you serious G ? Don't fucking play games with me "

" it was before you and I even reunited "

" how long did you know ? "

" awhile now , plus the baby may not even be mines "

" this shit is crazy here I am thinking its something wrong with me when really it's your ass keeping secrets"

I knew he didn't have a response because all he could do was brush his hands through his hair.

" what am I suppose to do G ? "

" Stay by my side "

" how many months is she ?"

" six "

" wow " tears started flowing down my face. I am Hurt in so many ways . I was his first , and I wanted it to stay that way , I wanted to give him his first child , but I guess shit doesn't work in my favor.

" Bo we are going to get threw this I promise like I said it may not even be my baby ".

" okay " I managed to say through tears.

" you riding with me or what ? "

" of course I am baby " he gave me a kiss . I don't care if this trick is pregnant with G's baby ima make sure I come before both that trick , and her baby.



I knew Kim was hurt about me possibly fathering another women's baby , but hell shit happens after making love to her all night I had to run out I got a call that somebody hit one of my spots , and although I rather be hugged up with my girl business comes first.

" what up G ?" Some young cat named beef asked he was about 17 , and short as hell , but his as sure knew how to hit a target without missing.

" give it to me " I wanted to figure out who the hell was brave enough to rob me.

" we still trying to figure that shit out we think that nigga Chris got something to do with it "

Oh word ill look into that , but who the fuck was here while niggas was stealing from me ? "

" it was suppose to be Ned , and Chris , but for some reason Chris wasn't there when the shit happened they did Ned dirty he had to go to the hospital , and every thing "

I was pissed I swear to god if Chris had something to do with this I was going to kill his as I swear I don't care who the hell his sister is when it comes to my money you don't get no pass. Shit chyna ass properly set this shit up with her money hungry ass.

" Find out where the fuck Chris is..then bring is ass to me. Its a done deal for his ass on thats on everything ! " With that being said i walked away from him to check through the place one more time.

Chris and Chyna asss was on my hit list. I had a gut feeling they did this shit and her gold digging ass set it up. I dont give a fuck...they are both going to pay the price for fucking with me and my money. I really dont play that shit.

Who the hell do I look like ? Boo boo the fool.

Chyna Jones Is a sneaky bitch !





Chyna POV

I woke up. How the hell was I supposed to do this ?

Yet again this morning like always I was in heavy pain. This shit was scary too. Maybe I needed to make a trip to the doctor today. I sure dont want anything to be wrong with my son.

Baring through the pain I got out of bed and limped my way to the bathroom. I ran a bath. I spent a good half a hour in the tub. Afterwards I got out and got dressed. Being so in pain and in a rush to find out whats wrong I went with simple. Some leggings and a aeropostale tee. My TOMS. I put my hair into a highbun...ok and added some lip gloss and eye liner. I walked into The guest room. No Tay. Checked the livingroom. No Tay. Called out for this hoe...No Tay. I got my phone off the table and my keys. She had sent me a text.

She was back at the streets again and would pick me and the baby up something nice and see me later.

I sighed. Whatever. This was really the time where I needed her ass and where was she at ? No clue.

I walked out the door and made my way to my car. I wasnt going to call G cause...I didnt need his help. I didnt want him here. He is not someone a little boy would look up to as a father and want to be like. I can do bad all by myself. I will take care of my son on my own.

I had to keep stopping over and over before I made it to the doctors office. When I went in I went inside and requested to see my doctor who was here at the time. Thank the lord.

" What can I do for you, Chyna ? " She asked me. I went a head telling her all my problems and everything that had been happening with the pregnancy since the last time I seen her. " Ok im going to run a few test and we can find out some answers. We got to make sure the little one is fine " She says with a smile. I nod faintly.

I do just want my son to be okay.

We went through alot of different things and test. I was so nervous. I was trying to brace my self for anythinf possible.

" Ok Chyna you are..."


- Whats wrong with Chyna ?

-- Did Chyna and Chris set up G ?

- What is G going to do with them

-- Yall team #KimNchristian or #ChynaNchristian ???

-- Yall like Tay ??

Dont forget to vote and comment and send us a fan please. We work hard lol. Thanks alot everyone.

-- Shantii and Deja :)

Omg I hope you guys stay tuned because some good ISH is about to happen

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