Chapter 13 - Dinner

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Louise turned her body around to check her back side on the mirror. The maroon dress was tight, not that she was complaining, it wrapped her toned body perfectly without making her looked like a slut. It was elegant, the length was almost covered her knees and the Sabrina cut flattered her smooth shoulders. She had to admit that Tony had a great taste, it was all his choice.

He sent the dress right at her door steps too hours before the dinner. A designer dress in a beautiful box with a note saying that it was hers to wear tonight. She wondered how he could know about her size and all.

Ah, he was the ultimate pervert Tony Morasco, of course he knew!

Louise pressed her lips. She swore she wouldn't accept anything from men anymore but again she had fallen into a trap and helplessly took the dress from Tony without being able to object.

She promised she would pay it off soon.

"That is a beautiful dress Blondie." Kimmy commented, suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Kimmy, hi." Louise smiled at her housemate from the mirror, slightly surprised by her plain appearance. She didn't wear any make up and now she was just looked like a normal cute Asian girl. In fact she wasn't just cute, she was beautiful, and it made Louise wondered the reason behind Kimmy's goth make up. Was she trying to hide from someone or it was just her crazy obsession?

"So, where are you going?" Kimmy leaned her petit body against the door frame and her eyes stared at her admiringly with a hint of jealousy in them.

Applying her red lipstick Louise answered, "Dinner."

"With your boyfriend Morasco?"

"It's a business dinner, and he is not my boyfriend."

"Dressing up like that?" Kimmy raised her eyebrows didn't believe what she just heard.

"Like what?"

"Like going out on a date."

"Well, my fake boss bought it for me, I can't say no."

"Who's this boss?"

"Tony ....." Louise replied and rolled her eyes in the process.

"I like your style Blondie...." Kimmy grinned awkwardly.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You wanted to get rid of him and now you go out with him. What do you want exactly Blondie?"

"It's complicated Kimmy. And yes I still want to get rid of him but don't you dare to give me that horny tea whatever you gave me last night. It was humiliating!"

"Yeah, Morasco told me." Kimmy grinned and Louise's jaws went slack. She didn't expect these two talked more than hi and bye but they did.

It wasn't a good sign. These two were like riot waiting to happen! A weirdo and a cheeky pervert, a perfect combination for a disaster.....

"Well Blondie, told you I didn't have the antidote. Anyway, have fun tonight and remember, no sex....."


"So, what time will he pick you up?"

"He's not going to pick me up, I'll take taxi."

"What kind of man is that?!" Kimmy looked slightly upset.

"I told him not to."


"Well Kimmy, this is not a date!"


Louise got off from the taxi in relieve. She was glad that the rain had stopped when she was still in the car, she didn't bring her umbrella for a start and she didn't want her stilettos wet was the next reason.

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