The alpha sat up at this, he knew damn well how Lizzie had managed to do it just like she had tried to convince him that Landon and Hope had feelings for each other, "She's poising your mind with the possibilities of Penelope and I hooking up just like she did to me with you and Landon"

The female's eyes widened in shock, "She did that?"


The Mikaelson witch huffed, "I don't want to rude or anything but Lizzie Saltzman deserves an award for bitch of the year"

"She sucks," The Aquilo boy commented as he pushed himself up from the bed to get dressed.

Hope groaned, "So I was angry for nothing?"

The curly-haired male chuckled from where he stood as he searched his closet for a Salvatore Stallions' jersey Penelope said that she had left for him but he didn't see it anywhere, "Why don't you use your anger to go find your boyfriend?"

"But you're my boyfriend" The female responded sweetly.

"Am I?" Adrian questioned, turning to face the girl with his back once he found the jersey, "Because it seems like you and Landon were interested in each other. So the question here is if I have a girlfriend" He continued as he pulled the yellow jersey over his head and arms through the short sleeves.

Hope rolled her eyes and rose from the bed, on her way to exit the room, "Why don't you ask Penelope?"

The male reached out for his girlfriend's hand and pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her waist as he sat down on the bed again, "I was joking" The female rolled her eyes again, playfully this time as a smile worked its way onto her lips when her boyfriend spoke, "You don't have to worry about Penn, she's like my sister"

"A very evil sister if you ask me, but okay"

The alpha nodded, "And I'll have you know that the only reason I wasn't at the assembly today was that Mg, Owen and I went to one of those feminist seminars held at the local high school. One of the women in our group even told us we were three very handsome and educated men"

Hope snorted, "Why do I find that so difficult to believe?"

"You know what?" Adrian removed his arms from around his girlfriend's waist, "Good luck finding your boyfriend"

"Adrian, don't be mean... I was joking!"

The Salvatore stallions arrived at the clearing near their school where the flag football game took place. The cheerleaders got started on their routine whilst the players and their quarterback— Lizzie— went over the game plan. Dr. Saltzman had the same game plan every year:  the teens were not to use their powers or display any other behavior that could reveal their supernatural status.

Adrian, who had just arrived, searched the field for anyone who wasn't Lizzie or Josie Saltzman and found Penelope sitting cross-legged on the bleachers, "Hey, hot stuff" She called out when their eyes met.

The male approached the bleachers to greet his friend, "Penelope..." He trailed off, reaching forward to touch the brunette's locks. Her wavy hair that used to stop right below her middle rib had now been chopped off to a wavy lob, "Your hair"

"Oh, this?" The female shrugged, flipping her now-shorter hair over her shoulder, "Josie got jealous"


Hearing the word jealous reminded the boy of his conversation with his girlfriend this morning, "Speaking of. If you see Hope and she looks like she wants to rip your throat out, don't worry about it. It's all Lizzie Saltzman"

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now