Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader

Start from the beginning

I gripped the bed sheets as he grew closer, aiming the needle over my lungs. Robin noticed my discomfort and held my hand. I was slightly shocked by his sudden action, as we never had anything closer than just team mates.
"He needs to do it this way, or else it won't be able to reach your lungs fast enough, and you'll go into another seizure." Another seizure? How long had I been out for? 

"Okay, when I pull out the needle you're going to have to help me remove the breathing tube as fast as you can, she'll probably couch up a lot of bacteria, so you'll need to look out." Batman ordered, yet I couldn't help but notice the small amount of concern in his voice. 

The worst ten minutes of my life. 

 "You're going to have to stay here for another week or so." 
"What?!" I croaked out, the burn still in my throat, along with the bitter taste of blood. 
"I'm sorry, you're a valued member of the team, and we can't risk you worsening the infection," Batman turned to Robin, who seemed to be pale due to what had just occurred. 
"You're needed on the next mission, go get changed and-"
"No. I'm staying with (Y/N) until she gets better."
"Robin, this isn't time for-"
"No, this is my fault. I should've been there to help. I was so close I should've done something." Robin protested, gripping my hand.

I was shocked once again by his protectiveness, unsure as to how I should respond to his words. I knew that he knew my name, everyone did. I was comfortable enough to let them know my identity. It was my first step to placing trust in the team. 
"You can't always save everyone, Robin. But look, you really did save me. And I'm so grateful for that. But if the team needs you, you should go," I rasped. 
"No!" Robin yelled, taking the seat next to the bed. 
"I'm staying here, whether the two of you like it, or not." He glared intensely at me, still holding my hand. 

I looked over at Batman and smiled sheepishly. 
"I think we both know he's not going anywhere."
"I wouldn't expect anything less."

Three days I had been waiting to leave the infirmary. Three days worth of more injections and tests to see if I was getting better. Three days of team members visiting every now and then. Three days of Robin dealing with me. It was strange how we had managed to connect in such a short amount of time, and I probably knew more about him in that moment than anyone else on the team, aside from his name, of course. 

"Found anything?" I asked, peering over my laptop to Robin, sitting comfortably cross-legged at the end of my bed. 
"Nothing you probably haven't already found." He sighed, leaning back from his own laptop, stretching his arms above his head, knuckles making slight clicking noises. 
"This is so strange. There is no way almost all of the super villains coming out on the same day is just a coincidence," I groaned, rubbing my eyes. 
"Has the team brought in anything else about the attacks?"
"Nothing." Another groan. 
"You know, if you just went on one mission with them, you'd probably be able to find more-"
"No. It's my fault you're in this situation and I'm not leaving you."

The room was heavy with silence. I swallowed loudly and took in a shaky breath. 
"I-I understand that, Robin. A-and I thank you for that. I really do." I looked at him and smiled weakly, feeling my face starting to burn. 
"I've never really had any. . . close relations with anyone else on the team, or anyone outside the team for that matter, which is slightly irrelevant," I laughed nervously, feeling my face redden, "I just- well, thanks for being there for me. Even if it is just when we're out on the field." 

Robin stared at me, as if he were contemplating what his next move would be. I looked down and began to pick at my hands awkwardly, feeling the tension grow in the air. I heard Robin sigh, mumbling, "Batman is so gonna kill me for this," under his breath. 
"Dick Grayson." He stated. I stopped picking at my hands, raising my head to look at him.
"Who? What do you-" I was cut off by a pair of piercing blue eyes staring into my (E/C) ones. 

It was quiet once again, but this time it wasn't awkward or uneasy. This time it was comfortable, as if I was staring at someone who I had known for years. I smiled and stuck out my hand for him to shake, as if I was just meeting him for the first time. He looked a little confused, glancing between my face and my hand before shaking it with a small smile. 
"Nice to meet you, Dick Grayson." 

We continued to learn new things about it each other, throwing random questions at each other now and then. I had gradually slipped under the covers of the bed, snuggling up to the pillow. I heard Dick chuckle in the background, carefully getting off the bed. At first I though he was just going to leave for me to sleep until I felt a pair of lips press against my cheek. And as he pulled away, the doors to the infirmary opened.
"Did you tell her?" Batman.
"Yes. . ." Robin hesitantly replied. 

". . . okay, did you kiss her?"
"How did you-"
"I'm Batman." I couldn't help but let out a laugh in that moment of perfection. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I freaking love Batman oh my God okay just don't start a conversation about him with me because I will go off about him and I will start talking about Nipple-Batman and Ben Affleck (more like Ben Assonfleek)

Anyways, please send in submissions if you want me to write a one-shot for you because I will be more than happy to do so because I am more dedicated to this than anything else at the moment haha

Chika chika 


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