Part 2 Survivor Chapter 11

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After finishing the call with Joe and having pizza with Niomi; she went home because Ryan wanted to meet her so I was left alone in the house again.

I went back to the bedroom and edited a video I filmed with Niomi and then I got into bed and read for awhile before taking my last batch of medicine for the day. I went to sleep with the lights off but the curtains open so I could see London go to sleep with me.

The next morning I woke up feeling better then ever. I usually wake up still feeling fatigue and down, but this morning I got up and was ready for today's out come. I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on and I looked into the mirror. I yelped with fright, I didn't look the same, my chipmunk swelling had gone down and I didn't have so much redness. I took off my night cap and saw my hair was growing more it was thicker in balder places and getting longer. At this point my face lit up, this is when I started to think my cancer has seriously gone.

I got washed and dressed then called my doctor to tell him about what I look like and how I feel and he said to come in for a PET scan just to double check. So at 11 o' clock I went to the hospital to have my scan.

After the PET Dr. Jempson came out with the results. "Hello Emma."


"I have your results here if you wish to know them?"

"Sure, of course!"

Dr. J showed me the picture of the scan now and from previously so I can see the difference. My old scan had all these red dots over my torso some bigger than others and they were all spread out. That was the cancer. And then she showed me my scan I got today and I was practically clear. I had one small lump but she said that would shrink over night if I took this medication. Handing me a bottle of liquid that looked like Calpol.

"Take this over two weeks up to 3ml everyday once a day and I guarantee you your leukemia will have gone."

"Thank you, do I need to put it through my tube or do I swallow it?"

"Swallow it, I wouldn't put it through the tube because it will feel like it's burning. No worries though."

"Okay. Will I need to come in again for another scan?"

"No, keep taking this medication everyday and the cancer should go but if you have any more bad symptoms ring me up and I will book you another PET."

"Alright thank you so much Susan."

"It has been a pleasure having you as a patient Emma."

When I get home I check what the time would be in Australia. It's around midnight. I'm sure Joe will be up. So I call him. The first time he doesn't answer neither does he on the second time so I go onto FaceTime. He answers.

(J-Joe and E-Emma)

E-"Oh My God!!!!!" I say before giving him a chance to even look at the screen.

J-"Hello! Holy s.hit! Where did Emma go? You look so different!"

E-"I know! I went for another scan today and I only have one lump left! Susan guarantees that my cancer will go in a few days and oh my life look my hairs growing back and my swelling has gone down and...I just can't believe it."

J-"That's so good babe!"

E-"I kind of want to get a tattoo or something like that."

J-"What like saying you're a survivor or something?"

E-"Yeah. But anyway how's Australia?"

J-"It's so nice we are right outside Harbor bridge and we can see Sydney Opera House from our window. We have two more days before we have the meet ups and then I'm on my way home!"

E-"Well I hope you're having a good time."

J-"Definitely. Well I'm sorry this is such a quick call but is it alright if I say goodbye? I kind of want to go to bed tonight instead of the morning."

E-"Yeah yeah sure. See you later. Bye!

J-"Love you bibz."   

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