Part 2 London Chapter 7

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We're now back in the car and only a few minutes away from our new home. My adrenaline is running through my body so fast. I can't wait to be free from my old house rules.

"Can you help me pack when we get there? Please." Joe asks me.

I remember that Joe's going away tonight and I feel my previous adrenaline run out through my finger-tips. "


"And then you've got the pleasure of sorting the house out while I'm gone!"

I give a sarcastic YAY and then Joe starts prodding my shoulder.

"Hey hey get off!"

"No look this our house." I look out the window and I see a huge building with multiple apartments in and no where to park.

"I'm glad I don't have a car there are no spaces! But apart from that this looks like a pretty decent place."

We all get out the car and bring the bags and boxes up to the building we walk thousands of steps when Joe stops at a door.

"Here we are the Joma apartment!"

"The Joma apartment?"

"Yeah that's our new ship name."

"You were thinking about that the whole journey weren't you?"

"NO!.. Well yeah I was actually."

Joe finds a key out of his coat pocket and gives it to me. He puts his key in the lock and opens the door. We walk into this open-space floor with a dining table, sofa and side table and a kitchen area.

"Oh my god this is really nice! It's so modern and..this is so nice" I say walking in further.

Me, Dad and Joe drop our boxes on the floor and look around the house. (well me and Dad do because Joe had already moved in)

"I'm gonna head off and leave you kids to it." Dad says while walking back up the stairs.

"Really? Already? But it's such a long journey are you sure want to leave on the same day?" I say.

"Yeah no worries see you around." He says giving me a hug and Joe a man hug.

"Bye! Thank you!" Joe and I say as he leaves.

"Right welcome to the Joma cave!" Joe says leading me around the house pretending to be a tour guide. "And on our left here we have the kitchen with grey cupboards and nice large oak counter also can be used as a table for eating on with these gorgeous white spinning chairs. He picks me up and spins me around on the chair, I'm laughing because I'm falling off I have one leg on and I'm holding on for dear life.

"Joe! Joe! Stop I'm falling off! Ahh!"

He stops and I fall off the chair he's laughing so hard he's crying, I'm still laughing on the floor almost wetting myself. Joe gets on the floor leaning over me his necklace is swinging back and forth I can slightly feel it on my nose. I get my thumb and wipe away his tears of happiness. He smiles and leans into me for a kiss. Our lips connect I look at him, his eyes are shut I run my fingers through his hair like he does. Our lips pull away and as I'm brushing his hair with my fingers he strokes my cheek with his knuckles. We're looking in to each others eyes, his glisten and I start to melt.

We get up and Joe says " Shall we continue on with the tour Ma'am?" I don't say anything and just go and sit on the sofa. " I'll take that as a no?" He then gives up the act and comes and sits next to me.

"When do you have to leave?" I ask

"Uhh about six."

"Are you gonna stay for a quick dinner or am I having a celebration Nandos on my own?"

"On your own I'm afraid sweet. Caspar's coming at four so we have a few hours before the Alein gets here."

I lean on to Joe's chest, his arm behind my back and wrapped around my waist. I can feel him breathing against me and his fingers tapping my stomach.

"I wish you were coming to Australia with me."

"Well I don't, this is your life time opportunity not mine. However much I'm going to miss you just remember mates before dates, Caspar comes first."

"I guess. I love you Bibz."

"I know... Bubz.."

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