26 Quest for Justice

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**** Brett and Nico immediately contacted their boss and requested emergency leave. While the request was granted for Brett there was some question about Nico's. The brass wasn't sure they wanted to be without both men at the same time. The two men explained the situation and who they thought was behind the murder and kidnapping. When Koni officially requested their assistance, the decision was made that they would stay in their official capacity as FBI Agents. Their duty would be to assist the local law enforcement officers because federal offenses had been committed.

While both were glad they would be allowed to stay and take part in locating and rescuing the girls, and capturing the culprits, they would have to stay within the letter of the law. Both were angry and feared for the girls and knew they would have to carefully maintain their professionalism.

Rowdy and Trish kept medical and first aide supplies fully stocked and stored for cattle drives. Yancy and Beau did the same for camping equipment, and the store of weapons and ammunition was also kept fully stocked. Each cowboy had their own personal favorite carefully maintained so it didn't take long for the group to be ready for the field.

The Sheriff's office had notified them with an ETA, and they too were coming fully equipped. Four cruisers followed by a trailer with six horses arrived ready to go within forty-five minutes.

Beau gathered the group together for prayer asking for help, strength, wisdom and guidance in finding the girls. Sheriff Koni, Brett and Nico reminded those who were assembled that it was vital that they put their grief and fear on the back burner and maintain control. If the perpetrators rights were abused in any way, they could walk on technicalities. No one wanted that. The group was reminded that it was entirely possible if not probable that huge, possibly trained timber wolves could be involved.

The rescue team formed, supplies gathered and the hunt for the outlaw camp began.

Brett spoke with his brother and both agreed it was a good idea to call in more of Brett and Nico's SEAL team. With that decision made, Brett left to make one of the most difficult calls of his life.

* * *


Lt Commander Daniel Davis rolled over in his bed to grab the phone. "Davis, here." He answered.

"Sir, it's Montana." Brett used his handle. "I need your help, sir."

The SEAL sat up. "What can I do for you, Master Chief?"

"I'm back home on my family ranch....my brother's two daughters have been snatched, and the man assigned as body guard, was killed. There's a lot of ground to cover. The local Sheriff's office is involved and Nico and I will be along for the FBI, but the local law while top rate is small. They haven't handled anythin' of the magnitude. These are my niece's, sir....one has Spina bifida."

"Ah. This is your brother's little half sister he adopted?"

"Yes, sir."

"The other girl, is she..."

"Adopted as well, sir. She and her twin brother are the biological half siblings of Beau's wife. Their parents died in a plane crash when the kids we little. Beau and Drina adopted them after they married. Both these girls have already been through more than most adults have."

"Any ideas as to the perps?"

"Yes, sir. We're almost certain it's the same gang that has plagued the area for years."

"This the one with a Deputy Dogg?"

"It is, sir. Killed my father and married my mother later. A real black widower."

"Doesn't your family know how to do something the easy way, Buck?"

"Apparently not, D. We could sure use the men, and their black ops skills, sir. That is, if you agree and could arrange it, sir."

"Hmm. Just so happens Montana, that we're due for some mountain tracking, snatch'n grab training."

Brett closed his eyes and let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"When will the hunt commence?"

"There's a group settin' out this afternoon while it's light enough to see tracks and clues, and get a head start for tomorrow, sir."

"Ok, Chief. Give me a chance to call the guys in and gear up. We should be wheels up by tomorrow at thirteen-hundred. I'll text you an ETA and get final info on a good landing spot."

"Yes sir, thank you, sir. We'll be waitin' for ya with map coordinates."

"Keep me posted on any new developments, Montana."

"Will do, sir. And, sir..."

"Yes, Chief?"

"I'm no longer a Master Chief, sir."

Davis heard a smile in his old friend's voice.

"Son, once a SEAL always a SEAL. Carry on, Chief." He added to make his point.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

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