Chapter 4: Prepare for adventure

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"Time decides who you meet in your life, your heart decides who you want in your life and your actions decide who stays in your life."- Unknown


I don't really know what love feels like. My family is different; I mean there is only three of us. My mom Sarah, me, and my brother Shawn. Mom works at a law firm in the heart of the city, and my brother is 14 and is sloppy like any normal teenager in my opinion. Me on the other hand I am crazy neat and I always try to get everything done. We love and care about each other, because our dad left us. Love is a sore subject for us, especially mom, Shawn and I try to encourage her to find a man. She always says she's happy with just us, but I don't think she is. One day I found her crying in her room and she kept whispering. I only got bits and pieces. "Why...I'm me..." she squeaked out of pain and sadness. I didn't really think she was that upset about it until then. I left her to cry herself to sleep, because I thought I would make her feel worse.

The grand member starts saying names of the lucky few of us that get to begin again.

"Emily Abney," he says the first name happily.

"Dalton Angles," and so on. Then I hear the name before mine after a long line, since my last name starts with W.

"Adaline Walker," she comes to the stage and he puts the necklace on her. Gives her a pamphlet and shakes her hand with a bright smile. Next is me.

"Scarlett Wenzel," he says slowly on my last name. I feel my whole body go numb but I push past it. I stride to the stage and put a fake confident smile on. When I get there I'm greeted with a necklace, pamphlet, and a smile. I look at the crowd while we are shaking hands. Finding my family, I see the hot guy. I have no clue what keeps drawing me too him. The grand member snaps me out of my gaze by congratulating me.

"Congrats on starting your second life and starting adulthood," he says delighted.

I exit the stage frantically still trying to stay calm. The aisle is small and navy blue. Usually when I focus on other things it helps me calm down from everything around me. Back in my seat I let the thought sink in that I'm an adult now! I just started my second life, this is wonderful, and I smile to myself at the thought. The pamphlet is in green and blue lettering, our country's colors of our flag. It says we rose, when they fell, our national saying, and I start flipping through the pages. I notice something interesting, it is titled things to know about your necklace and I begin reading it.

Things to know about your necklace :
1. It does not activate to find your soulmate until 24 hours.
2. It turns blue when you are not close to your soulmate.
3. It turns red when you are close to your soulmate.
4. Do NOT lose your necklace under any circumstances.
5. Your necklace will only lead you to your soulmate.
6. Your necklace will let people know that you are old enough to drink and go to clubs.
7. When you see your soulmate your necklace will turn red and it will start to get hot really hot.

They seem like pretty simple rules. So that's why there's no color to the necklace yet. Finally the ceremony is over and we get to leave. I find my family and we head out the door.

"I'm so proud of you!" Says mom breaking the unsure silence.

"Awe thank you mom. I was so nervous up there and excited," I admit.

"You didn't look nervous a bit honey," she says sweetly, and silence begins again.

"Bye mom I'll meet you at home," I announce.

"Okay bye," she says.

"Bye sis. I'm proud of you too," Shawn says surprisingly.

I step in my car and put the key in ignition. It's night already, but there are are no stars seen tonight just the pale moon. The ride home was long and I rode in silence. I pull in and I notice that all the lights are off, and I left the kitchen light on. The key I have is silver, I enter it into the door handle, and twist. When I turn the lights on, I'm greeted to my mom and Shawn, and all my favorite foods are here and I'm so excited. A bright smile crosses my face.

"SURPRISE!" They exclaim.

"Guys...I'm lost for words. This is so nice. You have my favorite white cake with butter cream icing, steak, and coke. Thank you so so much. I don't know what I would do without you," I reply with joy. I could cry because they care so much.

"Your welcome," they say in unison.

We gorge ourselves with all of my favorites. We giggle and joke together it feels like it doesn't even matter that dad left us. I have no idea how to feel about my journey. I'm going to buy a plane ticket tomorrow and go to Caliborne. I have always wanted to go there and meet new people. I hope my soulmate tries to go there too. Maturity is my strong suit and I am not very wild so I hope this doesn't last long. I fall asleep cuddled next to my brother on the couch. Tomorrow is gonna be a big new day.

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