Chapter 3: The Second begining

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"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead."-Oscar Wilde


I wake to the sun creeping in my window shades. I go to the window and pull up the blind, and let the sunshine soak in my tan skin. Hoping that today is gonna be okay I'm trying to decide what to wear. Either my baseball crop top and black jean shorts with white high tops or dark jeans and a blush blouse with blush flats. Throwing on my second choice I start my morning routine. I put my makeup on, thoroughly brush my teeth, and curl my hair.

Today we have to drive alone to the ceremony and our parents come by themselves. We have to do that because they are not allowed to give us any advice, not even just a little bit. I heard that the new thing this year had something to do with the necklaces they give out each year.

Nervously I grab my tan purse, keys, and aux cord. Walking to my Chevy Cruise, with tinted windows and a sunroof, I unlock it. I head to Starbucks coffee shop and sashay inside. I ordered my vanilla bean latte with whip cream and Carmel drizzle, and sashayed back to the car.

The drive here is so beautiful and delicate. It's out in the heart of our city, however it's in the country. The birds flying overhead are majestic, and make me feel like I'm going to be free after my ceremony. There is a rainbow above me on my car ride there, and it makes me think today will go off without a hitch. After the 30 minute drive all my nerves have really started to kick in, and when I get nervous I start to shake. I unbuckled, locked the car, and I make my way inside the most important building of my life. Pulling open the doors I realize my hands are shaking because I'm so nervous, and I clench my hands into a fists. I make my way to the service desk and ask about the ceremony of the adulthood years today. She said to go down the left hallway make a right and go into the exam room 107. I oblige her orders and make my way down the corridor. I reach exam room 107 and knock lightly three times. A women in a white coat greets me at the door.

"Hello I'm Dr. Emery and I'm here to run a few tests on you for your big day," she informs me with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Dr. Emery I'm Scarlett Wenzel. Let's get this started so I can go to the ceremony," I comment because I absolutely don't want to be late for an occasion like this. Sorry not sorry. Ha-ha.

"Okay dear, come on in. I have to ask you a few questions. Is that alright with you?" She asks politely.

"That's completely fine Doctor," I say with a worried smile.

"So have you ever experienced love before?" She asks right off the bat. It kind've startled me.

"No ma'am. Just with my family," I answer politely. Why would she ask about love?Nowhere when you become an adult does there need to be love. She continues with the weird love questions and I get more uncomfortable. She does a few x-rays and I'm free to go.

I get some lunch in the cafeteria at the residence beginning hall. Slowly I eat my Fettuccini Alfredo and get the sauce on my face. Wiping it off with a napkin I wash it down with pop. I finish my lunch and throw the excess away in the trash can.

Everyone files into the auditorium and I glance over on the other side. I see someone with big bright blue eyes that remind me of the sunny sky, and I feel like I could fall into them. We make eye contact, and I get this weak in the knees feeling. I get settled in and wait for the sanctioned authority members to come to the stage. All the lights turn off  and a spot light goes on the stage. Members appear with necklaces. They look nothing like what my mom's does. I knew it had something to do with the necklaces. The grand member comes to the podium and smiles a flashy smile.

"We are all gathered here today to celebrate the beginings of a new life for our young members of the society. I personally want to congratulate everyone that is starting their second life today.  As you may have heard there is a discrepancy in this years ceremony of adult hood years. There is something different about the necklaces we give out each year. The necklace represents adulthood and maturity, now it also represents love," immediately the crowd erupts in gasps and shakes of disbelief. "Quiet everyone. Quiet," motions the grand member. "The reason I said they represent love is because when you are on the adventure of your new find your soulmate with the necklace. When you are close to your soulmate for life it turns red. When you are not close to your soulmate for life the necklace turns blue. Now the necklaces send you on a quest to find your love. I can not reveal, under any circumstances, who your soulmate is. You would be ruining your chance at an adventure in life. You will be living a little more and it will bring happiness to our society. There will be a set of rules given to you so you will not change the order of society. In those words being said, let's let the ceremony begin," he says delighted.

I have no clue how this will work in the society, but it sounds like a lot of fun.

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