"So how are things between you and Neymar" Samantha asks probably noticing what's happening,"I don't know he seems so distant, it just doesn't feel right anymore" I said while glancing at him talking to the boys and Gabby.

It was loud so they couldn't hear our conversation. "Sweetie, he loves you and wouldn't do that, but you should tell him how you feel" said Sophia. "I know I will". 

After few hours everyone were making their way to leave because it was late. "Thanks for coming" I said while hugging everyone.

"Talk to him okay, love you and take care" Samantha said. I nodded, "love you too".

"Where's Gabby?". "Let me go and check"Neymar said making me frown at his behavior. Gabby shows up looking sick and pale. "I just threw up, probably because of food poisoning"Gabby says as she gets her stuff to leave.  "You should stay" Neymar says with a concern look. Ohhh okay!

"Yea, you should if you would like" I said as I was  trying to be super polite even if I am burning with jealous on the inside. "Thanks" Gabby smiles like she feeling so much better. "I'll show you the guest room" I said.or will Neymar want you in his room! I thought to myself. "Here you can stay here and do you need clothes?".

Before she can answer, Neymar interrupts us. "You can borrow my shirt" he says like she is his girlfriend and I'm just the "friend" he doesn't he care for. When he said that I felt a pain through my chest. "Oh thank you" Gabby says with a huge smile on her face. I glance back at Neymar who is grinning."If you need anything please tell me" I mumble to fast and quickly left the room. Neymar following me and gives me a quick hug unexpectedly. It felt so good to be in his arms.

He quickly gave me a kiss and went upstairs. I sighed. I went upstairs to our room to change into my pajamas Neymar was already asleep. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and dozed off to sleep.

I heard some shuffling and felt Neymar's breath right next to my ear, he was checking if I was asleep then he left the room quietly. I started at the clock 6:30 am.

What could he be doing at this early? I quickly and quietly jumped off the bed, this is my only chance to see what is really going on. I saw him slowly walking down the stairs.

I waited for him to get the keys and take off but instead he turns to the guest room. What? No! It can't be. He close the door.

I made my way to the door putting my ear to it. "Baby wake up". Tears filling my eyes. "Neymar finally you are here" .

Gabby says as I here a moan escape from her mouth. "How are you feeling now,amor". Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse. "I'm pregnant". My eyes widen.

I didn't hear anything it was silent just then I heard some shuffling. "It's yours Neymar", I heard her voice sounding weak. That's when it finally hit me, Neymar is cheating on me with my best friend and not only cheating but she's pregnant with his baby.Then I heard footsteps coming towards the door.  I backed away.

The door opened revealing Neymar who had a guilty look on his face. "Mia..", he said in a whisper. I wanted to move but my legs felt like they were glue to the ground.

I stared into his beautiful hazel green eyes that once showed me love is now showing me betrayal. Neymar came closer to me, he caressed my cheek.
I pulled his hand away from my face harshly. I saw the hurt look in his eyes.

I quickly went upstairs to  'our room'
taking in everything that just happened. My heart hurts, I wanted to throw up. "I can't stay here, need to le-leave" I said to myself . I found my suitcase and packed my stuff.

I looked at the picture of us, I threw with all the angry I had left in me. Cheating lying asshole. I made my way down the stairs. I saw Neymar standing there with his eyes all puffy and red.

"Mia!" Neymar said in a shaky voice. He grabbed my hand but I harshly moved it. I was about to slap him when Gabby stopped me. This bitch has the nerve to come between Neymar and I right now too! Angrier  took over me when I slapped the Gabby across the face which caused her to fall back.

"What the fuck!", Neymar yelled at me. He grabbed me by my shoulder and said "are you fucking crazy! She's..she!" he stuttered.

"Pregnant with your baby!", I yelled back. Saying it out loud made me sick to my stomach. I step away from Neymar leaving him and Gabby speechless. I took my suitcase and walked to the door. "You two deserve each other. Nothing but cheating liars! That poor baby for having parents like you too.I hope it doesn't turn like you ". It was too late to realize what I just said.

I saw the angry build up in Neymar's eyes. Neymar walked to me and before I could react Neymar grabbed my arm and pushed me to the door."Get the hell out!", he said as he opened the door and threw my luggage out.

I was just shocked and couldn't even speak, I felt a big lymph in my throat. He shut the  the door in my face.

I fell to the ground with sobs coming out. How can he do this. He isn't worth it. Where would I go at this time! I sat there for a while hoping that Neymar had a change of heart. But nothing.

I grabbed my stuff and walked a little until I found a cab. "Ms. you need a ride?", I nodded. I probably looked like a zombie with my red eyes and dark circles.

"To the airport please" I said weakly. I can't stay here in Barcelona anymore. I know it's not great leaving everyone behind but this is for the better. Right now all I want to do is go home to my real home.

As I arrived to the airport, I immediately got on the plane that was heading to California.


"Neymar, I need to go visit my parents and family back home. I said to Neymar who was playing his video games while resting his head on my lap. "I know baby. But I want to come with you too, he shifted his attention to me grabbing my face in his hands.

"Really", I smiled widely at him. I can't wait for him to come to my home and see the people I adore. My dad would go crazy since he is such a big fan.

My mom had visited one time with my sister. They adored him just as much as I did. "What you thinking about meu amor", Neymar said as he placed a kiss on my lips. "Nothing", I said when we broke the kiss.

* End of Flashback

"Miss, are you okay", someone said as they tapped my shoulder. I look over to see a middle age woman smiling at me kindly. "Yeah I'm fine thank you", I smile at her. I wipe my tears.

I promise myself I wouldn't shed a tear for him or for anyone again.

The plane started to take off. I closed my eyes. A new beginning.

I hoped you guys enjoyed it. This is based off my imagine that I wrote.

People were asking for a part 2 so I wanted to make a story for it.

Thanks for reading💗💗

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