12- the capture

389 19 3

*edited- X reader

The week went by quick. You enjoyed your time with papyrus and your boyfriend. A few times Paps even did some bad puns, you're not a big fan of puns but you didn't want to be rude so you did a little chuckle. You think he knew but still kept them coming. Though you did do a real laugh when sans and Paps would get in a little fight over it, never goes to physical. Their behaviour towards each other and the brotherly love was just amusing, with papyrus doing more pun just to get sans hyped up more.

At the moment you're just watching a monster talent conquest. Nothing interesting. Both sans and Paps are at work, Muffet still doesn't want your help. You're soo bored. You have already clean the house, even drawn more pics but that was hours ago. You hear a knock on the door, you open it to see Mettaton looking panicky. He whooshed in the house in his ghost form.

He actually yelled, "This is the end. Something is killing all the monsters. Almost got me. All of waterfall is nearly abandoned. That's were the killing started." She kept babbling on. You hope sans is ok. Soon enough she calmed down to be quiet. She wouldn't talk. The door opens and sans came through. You leapt up and hugged him.

"Sans! Something is wrong! Something is killing monsters in waterfall!" Sans tensed up.

He quickly pulled out his phone and put is to his ear hole, "Paps, where are you?...... Hotland? Corn dogs?....... get home by boat, someone is killing monsters in waterfall........ I'll call Alphys....... bye, see you soon" with that he played with the phone but not long after Alphys arrived in the door just as sans started to call. His phone went off but quieted as sans immediately closed the call.

"What are you doing worms. What's the emergency?" She seemed confused. You repeated what Mettaton said. She seemed shocked and furious. "What! We have to get the troops in. Sans I have a special mission. Look after (y/n). Bye losers" with that she left. Sans grabbed your hand and yanked you to his room, he slammed the door, dragged you to the bed, we hopped in and sans started rocking and hugging you to death. Soon enough Paps rushed into the room. Before he could say anything sans grabbed his brother and did the same to him like he did to me so we were in a big hug with each other with slight rocking. Soon enough sans was crying.

Both Paps and you hugged him tighter. We were like this for hours, Mettaton did join us. Then you heard Undyne voice calling for the evacuation to the city.

Sans and Paps started to get up but you grabbed their clothes, they looked at you, "if everyone is at one place, doesn't that make it easier for the killer to kill everyone." The realization came to them.

Paps spoke, "we have to go to Undynes' lab. We have to find out what happening. You know what this means bro." Sans nodded. Both grabbed your arms. Soon enough a mix of blue and orange flames surrounded us and cut off your view of everything. Then it slowly disappeared, we were at Undynes lab. It seems they left Mettaton behind. You looked around the lab but.... everything was dark. No lights.

Sans stayed with you while Paps looked around. Soon he came back with a paler skull. "I found her, it seems that she was ripped apart and you saw some black ooze dropped over her torso." Even you paled, was she the one who made the call to get everyone to. The. City.

IT WAS A TRAP. You turn to Paps and sans, "if she is dead then what was the evacuation for? It has to be a trap." Before you knew it some black vine things shot out of the ground and covered you. You couldn't see nor hear the Skelebros, you felt the vines tighten. No matter how much you tried to free yourself you were stuck. The vines got tighter and tighter, you felt yourself being thrown around. When the vines removed from around your head you were face to face with that stupid cat dog monster thing but much bigger. Its crazed smile made you shiver.

It laughed, "I said I would have you. You are the final piece. Those six human souls plus that stupid Chara that came a few years ago. She was the best to take. Until you. I have a deal. Give me your soul and those skeleton brothers will live, no matter how much they fight." Just then you saw flashes behind you and you saw sans and Paps. They were trying to get to you but a wall of black ooze held them back.

You wanted them to be safe. "Deal." Everything went black and cold.

Love is tough- Completed(US!Sans X Fem!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora