8- prepare for the party, dogs

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*edited- X reader

The next day we have gone to a hidden store behind the usual ones to find where they sell nice dresses and suites for parties and events. We went inside and notice not many people in here so it seems we are one of the late buyers for the party or they already have clothes for the party. You could see papyrus hating it here but sans was even more excited than usual. He was going nuts in the store; Papyrus slowly went after his brother while you tried to find the right dress. After an hour of searching and at least 10 tries, you saw sans just being in the dress isle where it is only dresses, you giggled each time he picked one out, and then you found the perfect dress. It was a black mid dress. It was slimming yet able to move completely like it wasn't even there, it had what looked like tiny diamonds all over it. It didn't feel heavy and you could move around easily.

 It didn't feel heavy and you could move around easily

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When you came out sans instantly stopped his 'rampage' and just stared, even papyrus that wasn't far away from sans had his full attention on you. They just gasped at you. Your face heated up. Sans ran to you and stopped. He started to yell, "(s/n/n), you look gorgeous. I can't wait for the party. I have to look perfect for you." Your face was on fire now, if it wasn't before. You quickly turned and moved back into the change rooms while sans ran off to the suites section.

You took the dress of and saw the price, 250000G! You quickly put it back after you got the dress off; you put it back where you found it and went looking at different dresses far away from the expansive section. After a while a heard a throat being cleared, you looked up and saw papyrus was holding a dress bag and you knew he had got the dress that you had tried on before. "Paps! That costs too much!" His cheeks looked orange as he averted his eyes from you.

He replies, "well (n/n), I saw you put it back. You have to wear it. Plus I have heaps of spare money. You have made my little brother soo happy, you have been the best thing happen to us." Your cheeks are burning again, just great. You mumbled a 'thank you'. "(n/n), you better get home. I'll get sans ready. I already have mine picked and bought." you nodded, grabbed the bag and carefully got it home, no way were you going to get it ruined.

After 2 hours of waiting the boys came home. Sans had a bag but Papy didn't?? You just let it go, He is mysterious at times. You asked what sans bought but he refused to tell you; he ran to his room and shut the door. You knew he was going to hide it so you won't bother trying to find anything until the party. You looked at Paps. He asked, "Do you really like my brother? Like really like?"

You smiled, "of course papyrus. I love him with all my heart." Paps seemed to of calmed down. You have wondered why he is asking this. You think it's best if you shrug it off. Anytime you have asked things he goes indirect or changes the subject.

Sans bolted out of his room, ran down the stairs and started to bounce on the couch. You chuckled; you got the remote and turned the TV on. Sans settled, you sat next to him and papyrus sat next to you. For the next three hours until bed we watched TV, the ad for the party tomorrow night came on a few times. You even asked Paps about his music which he replied "it's nice" and that's it.

You stumbled into bed. And no, not sanses bed. As I keep saying, mind out of the gutter. The Skelebros have a spare room remember. Though now it has more of your personal belongings. Your tent and backpack are in the walk in closet, food gone from the backpack so it wouldn't spoil in here. A few days ago you started drawing again though you don't dare show anyone your pieces. You're too embarrassed. you got more clothes for your draws, some posters of Blooky, sans and papyrus, which you had no idea why there were any, some of the king and queen with their son, waterfall, Hotland, the castle, judgment hall, Alphys and yes you know she basically kidnapped you but she is a idol to the people, one of Undyne and you even have some photos that you have taken with the camera Paps and sans got you.

You take one look at your drawings, especially one of sans at his hidden place. You always hug that one before bed; it just makes a warm feeling in your chest. You put it in the secret hiding spot with the rest. Today you are exhausted. You just collapsed onto the bed. No pyjamas or anything. Just out like a light which you accidentally left on. Ops.

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